in: daily General Knowledge Question Rajasthan Current Affairs Rajasthan current GK Rajasthan currentgk Rajasthan General Knowledge Quiz Rajasthan General Knowledges adv1. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2010 is officially referred to as the ... session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
a. 18th
b. 17th
c. 16th
d. 15th
2. Neutrino Observatory (INO) project is located near which of the following hills?
a. Anamalai Hills
b. Nilgiri Hills
c. Khasi Hills
d. Patkai Hills
3. Where was fi rst the Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit held?
a. Thailand
b. Malaysia
c. India
d. Pakistan
4. Who has been awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine 2010?
a. Richard Heck
b. Ei-ichi Negishi
c. Akira Suzuki
d. Robert Edwards
5. Ajay Jayaram is a well known … player.
a. Badminton
b. Golf
c. Tennis
d. Hockey
6. Toxic red sludge, a waste product from making which metal, burst out of a Hungarian factory's reservoir reached Danube River of Europe?
a. Copper
b. Aluminum
c. Lithium
d. Rubidium
7. Who authored Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter?
a. Ruskin Bond
b. Mario Vargas
c. Jonathan
d. None of these
8. Suresh Tendulkar is associated with ...
a. Prime Minister’s Relief Fund
b. Telecom Regulatory Au- thority of India
c. UN
d. None of these
9. Omkar Singh and Anisa Sayyed are associated with which of the following games?
a. Hockey
b. Basketball
c. Shooting
d. Cricket
10. With which company would you associate Partha S. Bhattacharyya?
a. Coal India Limited
c. IOC
d. Bharat Electronics Limited
11. Robert Edwards shares an association with?
a. Physics
b. Chemistry
c. Biology
d. Mathematics
12. The total number of medals that India has won in Common Wealth Games 2010 is …
a. 101
b. 102
c. 103
d. 105
13. Which of the following is a Tennis Player?
a. Dan Carter
b. Greg Jones
c. Johnny Weissmuller
d. None of these
14. H. R. Bhardwaj is the governor of …
a. Karnataka
b. Kerala
c. Tamil Nadu
d. Andra Pradesh
15. Who has been awarded the Nobel Economics Prize2010?
a. Peter Granger
b. Jilly Cooper
c. Dale Mortensen
d. None of these
16. Jaitapur nuclear power plant is in which city?
a. Ratnagiri
b. Nagpur
c. Pune
d. Mumbai
17. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin fl agged off the construction of which space centre?
a. Vostochny Space Center
b. Vladimir Space Center
c. Hioto Space Center
d. None of these
18. Who is the State Chief Information Commissioner of Chennai?
a. Hiren Singh
b. R. K. Narayan
c. Vinod Joshi
d. K. S. Sripathi
19. Who is known as the "Father of the Green Revolution in India"?
a. Norman Ernest Borlaug
b. M. S. Swaminathan
c. J. S. Thomson
d. None of these
20. Burning Bright: Irom Sharmila and the Struggle for Peace in Manipur has been written by ...
a. Arundhati Ray
b. Deepti Priya Mehrotra
c. Shivani Jain
d. None of these
21. South Korean Pohang-class cor-vette sank because of which of the following torpedoes?
a. Wang Geon
b. Ulchi Mundok
c. Cheonan
d. None of these
22. Naoto Kan, the Prime Minister of Japan was preceded by …
a. Yukio Hatoyama
b. Yon Ki
c. Chiang Zell
d. Yukoto Ziang
23. Srikumar Banerjee is associated with which of the following?
a. Atomic Energy Commission
b. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre
c. Defence Research And Development Organisation
d. None of these
24. Who built the Brihadishwara Temple?
a. Rajaraja
b. Vengi
c. Rajendra Chola
d. None of these
25. Sutlej River originates from?
a. India
b. China
c. Pakistan
d. None of these
26. Pallavan Double Plus and Pallavan Muthusaram RD are deposit schemes that belong to …
a. Indian Bank
b. Bank of Baroda
c. State Bank of India
d. Allahabad Bank
27. Indian Constituent Assembly adopted the design of Indian National flag on?
a. August 23, 1947
b. September 13, 1947
c. August 15, 1947
d. July 22, 1947
28. The Indian National Anthem was sung for the fi rst time in …
a. 1910
b. 1911
c. 1947
d. 1945
29. National fruit of India is?
a. Apple
b. Sugarcane
c. Orange
d. Mango
30. When was the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution adopted?
a. 1970
b. 1972
c. 1974
d. 1976
31. Who elects the Vice President of India?
a. Members of Parliament
b. Members of Lok Sabha
c. Only b
d. Both a and b
32. Department of Agricultural Research and Education comes under the Ministry of …
a. Commerce and Industry
b. Agriculture
c. Commerce and Industry
d. Food Processing Industries
33. An insurance plan, ‘JiyoFit', has been launched by ...
a. HDFC standard life
b. Bharti AXA
c. LIC
d. Bajaj Allianz
34. Where is the National Institute of Smart Government located?
a. Hyderabad
b. Mumbai
c. Pune
d. Chennai
35. Defender Z+ is a …
a. Locker
b. Fighter plane
c. Car
d. Motorbike
36. Asia’s 1st EPZ was set up at …
a. Kandla
b. Delhi
c. Falta
d. Noida
37. In which year was the Integrated Defence Staff formed?
a. 1959
b. 1961
c. 1981
d. 2001
38. How many Integrated Test Ranges does DRDO have?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
39. The Integrated Education for Disabled Children scheme was launched in …
a. 1954
b. 1965
c. 1974
d. 1991
40. When was the Rural Electrifi -cation Corporation Limited incorporated as a Company under Companies Act, 1956?
a. 1969
b. 1971
c. 1989
d. 1991
41. Fort William is located in ...
a. Chennai
b. Goa
c. Kolkata
d. Mysore
42. The Indian Tennis player who turned to Hollywood filmmaking is ...
a. Leander Paes
b. N. Night Shyamlan
c. Vijay Amritraj
d. Ashok Amritraj
43. Tritum is an isotope of ...
a. Nitrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen
d. Phosphorous
44. In which country would you buy things using Lira?
a. Germany
b. Italy
c. USA
d. Myanmar
45. What does the acronym cc in an email mean?
a. Character conversion
b. Column code
c. Carbon Copy
d. Computer control
46. “Love” is associated with which of the following games?
a. Tennis
b. Horse riding
c. Lawn ball
d. Billiards
47. Which country will host the Commonwealth Games 2014?
a. Australia
b. Srilanka
c. Scotland
d. Canada
48. The Vrindavan Gardens are located in...
a. Mathura
b. Manali
c. Mysore
d. Mohali
49. For measuring the diameter of a thin wire, you would use ...
a. Screw driver
b. Screw gauge
c. Screw metre
d. Measuring tape
50. El sueño del celta has been written by …
a. Pablo Neruda
b. Shakespeare
c. Mario Llosa
d. None of these
1. c. 16th
2. b. Nilgiri Hills
3. a. Thailand
4. d. Robert Edwards
5. a. Badminton
6. b. Aluminum
7. b. Mario Vargas
8. a. Prime Minister’s Relief Fund
9. c. Shooting
10. a. Coal India Limited
11. c. Biology
12. a. 101
13. b. Greg Jones
14. a. Karnataka
15. d. None of these
16. a. Ratnagiri
17. a. Vostochny Space Center
18. d. K.S. Sripathi
19. a. Norman Ernest Borlaug
20. b. Deepti Priya Mehrotra
21. c. Cheonan
22. a. Yukio Hatoyama
23. b. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre
24. a. Rajaraja
25. b. China
26. a. India Bank
27. d. 22nd July 1947
28. b. 1911
29. d. Mango
30. d. 1976
31. d. Both a and b
32. b. Agriculture
33. d. Bajaj Allianz
34. a. Hyderabad
35. a. Locker
36. a. Kandla
37. d. 2001
38. b. 2
39. c. 1974
40. a. 1969
41. c. Kolkata
42. c. Vijay Amritraj
43. c. Hydrogen
44. b. Italy
45. c. Carbon copy
46. a. Tennis
47. c. Scotland
48. c. Mysore
49. b. Screw guage
50. c. Mario Llosa
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