CapitalAizawl Area 21,081 sq. km Population891,058 Sex Ratio938 Growth Rate29.18 Literacy88.80% Districts8 LanguageMizo and EnglishArea : 21,081 sq km State Government PortalPopulation : 891,058 District WebSiteCapital : AizawlPrincipal Languages : Mizo and EnglishHistory and GeographyMizoram is a mountainous region, which became the 23rd state of the Indian Union in February 1987. It was one of the districts of Assam till 1972 when it became a Union Territory. After being annexed by the...
Showing posts with label State of India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label State of India. Show all posts
General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh
in: About Himachal Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Current Affairs Himachal Pradesh current GK Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge Himachal Pradesh History Himachal Pradesh Tourist State of India
Capital of Himachal Pradesh: Shimla;Area of Himachal Pradesh: 55673sq. km.(1991 censes)No. of Districts in Himachal Pradesh:12Language Spoken by People in Himachal Pradesh: Hindi and Pahari.Himachal got the status :Jan 25.1971.Himachal got 'C' state status: Sept. 1957When did himachal became Centerally- administered Territory: Nov.1,1956Bilaspur was include in H.P.: July 1.1954When was himachal territorial council made: July 1,1963State first C.M.: Dr. Y.S.ParmarFirst chairman of Territorial council: Thakur Karam SinghNumber...
Rajasthan gk
in: About Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Current Affairs Rajasthan current GK Rajasthan General Knowledge Rajasthan Geography Rajasthan GK Rajasthan History Rajasthan Tourist State of India
1 राजस्थान का प्रवेश द्वार किसे कहा जाता हैभरतपुर2 महुआ के पेङ पाये जाते हैअदयपुर व चितैङगढ3 राजस्थान में छप्पनिया अकाल किस वर्ष पङा1956 वि स4 राजस्थान में मानसून वर्षा किस दिशा मे बढती हैदक्षिण पश्चिम से उत्तर पूर्व5 राजस्थान में गुरू शिखर चोटी की उचाई कितनी है1722 मीटर6 राजस्थान में किस शहर को सन सिटी के नाम से जाना जाता हैजोधपुर को7 राजस्थान की आकति हैविषमकोण चतुर्भुज8 राजस्थान के किस जिले का क्षेत्रफल सबसे ज्यादा हैजैसलमेर9 राज्य की कुल स्थलीय सीमा की लम्बाई है 5920 किमी 10...
Rajasthan General Knowledge राजस्थान - भौगोलिक और आर्थिक परिप्रेक्ष्य
in: About Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Current Affairs Rajasthan current GK Rajasthan General Knowledge Rajasthan Geography Rajasthan GK Rajasthan History Rajasthan Tourist State of India
राजस्थान की चोहरी इसे एक पतंगाकार आकृति प्रदान करता है। राज्य २३ ० से ३० ० अक्षांश और ६९ ० से ७८ ० देशान्तर के बीच स्थित है। इसके उत्तर में पाकिस्तान, पंजाब और हरियाणा, दक्षिण में मध्यप्रदेश और गुजरात, पूर्व में उत्तर प्रदेश और मध्यप्रदेश एवं पश्चिम में पाकिस्तान है।सिरोही से अलवर की ओर जाती हुई ४८० कि.मी. लम्बी अरावली पर्वत श्रृंखला प्राकृतिक दृष्टि से राज्य को दो भागों में विभाजित करती है। राजस्थान का पूर्वी सम्भाग शुरु से ही उपजाऊ रहा है। इस भाग में वर्षा का औसत ५० से.मी. से ९० से.मी. तक है। राजस्थान के निर्माण के...
Mizoram General Knowledge
in: About Mizoram Mizoram Mizoram Current Affairs Mizoram current GK Mizoram General Knowledge Mizoram Geography Mizoram GK Mizoram History Mizoram Tourist State of India
CapitalAizawl Area21,081 sq. km Population891,058 Sex Ratio938 Growth Rate29.18 Literacy88.80% Districts8 LanguageMizo and Engli...
Andhra Pradesh Current Affairs,Andhra Pradesh current GK,Andhra Pradesh Geography,Andhra Pradesh GK,Andhra Pradesh History,Andhra Pradesh news,Andhra Pradesh Tourist,State of India
in: Andhra Pradesh Current Affairs Andhra Pradesh current GK Andhra Pradesh Geography Andhra Pradesh GK Andhra Pradesh History Andhra Pradesh news Andhra Pradesh Tourist State of India
Andhra Pradesh Current Affairs,Andhra Pradesh current GK,Andhra Pradesh Geography,Andhra Pradesh GK,Andhra Pradesh History,Andhra Pradesh news,Andhra Pradesh Tourist,State of Ind...
Haryana GK
in: About Haryana Haryana Haryana Current Affairs Haryana current GK Haryana General Knowledge Haryana Geography Haryana GK Haryana History Haryana Tourist State of India
Haryana Objective GK 1. At which of the following place was the famous battle of Panipat fought?(A) Kurukshetra(B) Sirsa(C) Panipat(D) JindAns : (A)2. In 1526 the famous battle between Babar and Ibrahim Lodi was fought at—(A) Kurukshetra(B) Rewari(C) Panipat(D) PatialiAns : (C)3. When was the famous battle of Panipat fought?(A) 1539(B) 1556(C) 1565(D) 1576Ans : (B)4. The third battle of Panipat was fought between—(A) Ahmad Shah Abdali and Maratha rulers(B) Nadir Shah and Mohd. Shah(C) Prithvi Raj Chauhan and Mohd. Gauri(D)...
Rajasthan GK
in: About Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Current Affairs Rajasthan current GK Rajasthan General Knowledge Rajasthan Geography Rajasthan GK Rajasthan History Rajasthan Tourist State of India
Rajasthan GK, Rajasthan GK Quiz, About Rajasthan,Rajasthan,Rajasthan Current Affairs,Rajasthan current GK,Rajasthan General Knowledge,Rajasthan Geography,Rajasthan GK,Rajasthan History,Rajasthan Tourist,State of IndiaRajasthan GK Quiz 1. अकबर ने चित्तौड़ पर कब आक्रमण कर कब्जा किया?Ans. 1567 ई. में2. अकबर के चित्तौड़ पर आक्रमण के समय किसके नेतृत्व में हजारों राजपूतों ने मुगल सेना का मुकाबला किया?Ans. वीर जयमल और पत्ता ने3. महाराणा प्रताप का राजतिलक कब व कहाँ हुआ?Ans. 1572 ई. में गोगुंदा में4. राणा प्रताप और अकबर की सेना के...
West Bengal General Knowledge
in: About West Bengal State of India West Bengal West Bengal Current Affairs West Bengal current GK West Bengal Geography West Bengal GK West Bengal History West Bengal Tourist
West Bengal Particulars Description Area 88,752 sq. km Population 8,01,76,197 Capital Kolkata Principal Languages Bengali History and Geography Bengal finds a coveted place even in pre-historic times. At the time of Alexander's invasion a powerful kingdom called Gangaridai ruled over Bengal. Ascendancy of the Guptas and the Mauryas had somewhat little effect on Bengal. Later Sasanka became King of Bengal and is said...
Uttar Pradesh General Knowledge
in: About Uttar Pradesh State of India Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Current Affairs Uttar Pradesh current GK Uttar Pradesh Geography Uttar Pradesh GK Uttar Pradesh History Uttar Pradesh Tourist
Uttar Pradesh Particulars Description Area 2,40,928 sq. km Population 16,61,98,000 Capital Lucknow Principal Languages Hindi and Urdu History and Geography The history of Uttar Pradesh is very ancient and interesting. It is recognised in the later Vedic Age as Brahmarshi Desha or Madhya Desha. Many great sages of the Vedic times like Bhardwaja, Gautam, Yagyavalkaya, Vashishtha, Vishwamitra and Valmiki flourished in...
Uttarakhand General Knowledge
in: About Uttarakhand State of India Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Current Affairs Uttarakhand current GK Uttarakhand General Knowledge Uttarakhand GK Uttarakhand Tourist
Uttarakhand Particulars Description Area 53,484 sq. km Population 84,89,349 Capital Dehradun Principal Languages Hindi, Garhwali, Kumaoni History and GeographyUttarakhand finds mention in the ancient Hindu scriptures as Kedarkhand, Manaskhand and Himavant. The Kushanas, Kunindas, Kanishka, Samudra Gupta, the Pauravas, Katuris, Palas, the Chandras and Panwars and the British have ruled it in turns. It is often called the Land...
Tripura General Knowledge
in: About Tripura State of India Tripura Tripura Current Affairs Tripura current GK Tripura General Knowledge Tripura Geography Tripura GK Tripura History Tripura Tourist
Tripura Particulars Description Area 10,491.69 km2 Population 31,91,168 (Census-2001) Capital Agartala Principal Languages Bengali and Kokborok Tripura: At a Glance Tripura is a state in North-East India which borders Bangladesh, Mizoram and Assam. It is surrounded by Bangladesh on its north, south and west: the length of its international border is 856 km (84 per cent of its total border). It shares a 53 km long border...
Tamil Nadu General Knowledge
in: About Tamil Nadu State of India Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Current Affairs Tamil Nadu current GK Tamil Nadu GK Tamil Nadu History Tamil Nadu Tourist
Tamil Nadu Particulars Description Area 1,30,058 sq. km Population 6,24,05,679 Capital Chennai Principal Languages Tamil History and Geography Tamil Nadu has a hoary antiquity. Though early sangam classics throw historical references, it is only from the Pallavas we pass to recorded history. South India had remained under the hegemony of the Cholas, the Cheras and the Pandyas for centuries. The Pallavas held supremacy...
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