1 राजस्थान का प्रवेश द्वार किसे कहा जाता हैभरतपुर2 महुआ के पेङ पाये जाते हैअदयपुर व चितैङगढ3 राजस्थान में छप्पनिया अकाल किस वर्ष पङा1956 वि स4 राजस्थान में मानसून वर्षा किस दिशा मे बढती हैदक्षिण पश्चिम से उत्तर पूर्व5 राजस्थान में गुरू शिखर चोटी की उचाई कितनी है1722 मीटर6 राजस्थान में किस शहर को सन सिटी के नाम से जाना जाता हैजोधपुर को7 राजस्थान की आकति हैविषमकोण चतुर्भुज8 राजस्थान के किस जिले का क्षेत्रफल सबसे ज्यादा हैजैसलमेर9 राज्य की कुल स्थलीय सीमा की लम्बाई है 5920 किमी 10...
Showing posts with label Rajasthan GK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rajasthan GK. Show all posts
current gk
in: daily General Knowledge Question General Knowledge Gereral Knowledge of india india current gk India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Rajasthan GK
*"Bharat ka Nepolian" kise kaha jata hai?"Samudragupt" Base Rate- Wo rate of interest hai jis se kam par bank kisi ko loan nahi de sakte. *Nariyal utpadan mein India ka world mein kaunsa sthan hai?"3" Budget prastut karne wale Swatantra India ke first Vitt Mantri?"Shanmugam Shetty" *Asian Development Bank ka mukhyalya kahan hai?"Manila" Indira Gandhi Paryawaran Prize ki suruwat kab hui?"1987" *"Zoological Survey of India" ka mukhyalya kahan hai?"Kolkata" Bull Fighting kis desh ka rastriya khel hai?"Spain" *Hadappa kis nadi...
General Knowledge of India
in: daily General Knowledge Question General Knowledge Gereral Knowledge of india india current gk India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Rajasthan GK
Raj. ki Pawan Urja Pariyojana:1st: Amarsagar(Jaisalmer).2nd: Devgarh(Chittorgarh).3rd: Binthri(Jodhpur)>Human Heart ka weight kitna hota hai- Approx 300 Gram>Indian Diamond Institute kahan h- Surat>Country of Temples-Nepal>In 1975 Sikkim became a full fledged state of the Indian Union.>The Gandhara school of Art was influenced most by the Greeks.>"Nirbhay" is the Cruise Missile developed by India with 1000km Range.~Saudi Arabia is Largest supplier of "Crude Oil" to india>Solar Energy Projects me Raj ko...
Current gk
in: daily General Knowledge Question General Knowledge Gereral Knowledge of india india current gk India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Rajasthan GK
Q: When was Indian Calender adopted officially?March 22,1957.*Bangaram Beach is in Lakshadweep.*Wandoor Beach located in Andaman &Nicobar.Q:In which country World's largest Iron ore deposits are located?Bolivia.*Victoria Falls r in Zambia*Angel Falls-Venezuela*Niagara-Canada. Q:In Which province Muslim League formed their 1st government after 1946 elections?Bengal*Buxa Tiger Reserve Located in:West BengalAttorney General of India:Goolam Vahanvati.Solicitor...
General Knowledge
in: daily General Knowledge Question General Knowledge Gereral Knowledge of india india current gk India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Rajasthan GK
Q:Till now how many Film Actors have won Bharat Ratna?1.(MG Ramchandran)*At d time of Independnce of India(1947), what was women literacy?8%Q: In which part of India has new species of frog found?Western Ghats.*BK Chaturvedi Committee related to:Development of National Highways. NANDAM: 8 days ago Q:Tuticorin port in Tamilnadu, was in February 2011, renamed as?VO Chidambaranar.Q:Which state is host to the World Cup Kabaddi-2012?Punjab.VK Saraswat:1.Scientific...
General Knowledge
in: daily General Knowledge Question General Knowledge Gereral Knowledge of india india current gk India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Rajasthan GK
Q:Which Country sold 'Alaska' to America in 1867?Russia.Q:Who was the 1st scientist to use a computer language for his computer?Konrad Zuse.Organisation- Member Countries:UNO- 193WTO- 153EU- 27SAARC- 8G20- 23G8- 8+1BRICS- 5OPEC- 12ASEAN- 10NATO-28NAM-120Q:Who has been honoured with the Vyas Samman-2010?Vishwanath Prasad(Hindi).*Kapil Dev launched India's 1st Internet Radio Channel on Cricket.Q:Who is the 1st woman in India to receive Ashok Chakra?Kamalesh Kumari.*Which plant is known as Bio-Diesel plant?Jatropha.**Donate Blood*Q:Who...
General questions related to geography
in: General Knowledge General Knowledge of india General questions related to geography India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Rajasthan GK
When are days and nights equal throughout the globe?- When sun is above the equatorWhat is the latitude of South Pole?- 90 degreeOn globe, the latitude and longitude intersect at what angle?- 90 degreesFrom where the longest circle which can be drawn from earth's surface will pass?- Will pass through EquatorWhat will be the difference in longitudes between two places if heir time difference is 2 hours and 20 minutes?- 35 degreeWhat happens when a ship crosses Date line from west to east?- It loses one dayWhich is the...
in: General Knowledge General Knowledge of india India Fact Sheet India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Rajasthan GK
Which is our National song?- Vande MataramWho composed our National song?- Bankim Chandra ChatterjiWhat is our National Anthem?- Jana Gana ManaWho wrote our National Anthem?- Rabindra Nath TagoreHow many stanza's of Jana Gana Mana song were adopted as National Anthem?- Only the first stanzaWho composed the famous song 'Sare Jahan Se Accha'?- Mohammad IqbalFrom where are the words 'Satyameva Jayate' taken?- Mundak UpanishadHow many spokes are there in our national emblem 'Ashoka Chakra'?- 24In which year was the...
Places in India improtant from GK
in: General Knowledge General Knowledge of india India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Places in India improtant from GK Rajasthan GK
Name the place where Lord Budha breathed his last?- KushinagarWhere are the World famous Khajuraho sculptures located?-Madhya PradeshWhere is the National Institute of Nutrition located?-HyderabadVijayghat ( Samadhi of Lal Bahadur Shastri) is situated on the bank of which river?- YamunaWhere is National School of Mines located?- PuneWhere is the Indian Institute of Science located?- BangaloreIn which state are the World famous Ajanta Caves situated?- MaharashtraWhere is the famous Meenakshi Temple situated?- Tamil NaduWhere...
General Knowledge
in: General Knowledge General Knowledge of india India General Knowledge New General Knowledge Rajasthan GK
1.Red cross was founded by-J.H. Durant , Established in 1864 World red Cross day iscelebrated on May 8,The Birthday its founder J.H. Durant.2.Sir Robert S.S Baden Powell is the founder of scouting3.Who gave the call go back to Vedas-Dayanand4.The construction of Qutab Minar was begun by Quatab-ud-din Aibak but it was complateed by lltutumish.5.Who built the Sanchi Stupa- Agratala.6.Who founded slave dynasty in 1206 A.D.- Quatab-ud-din Aibak.7.The Capital of Tripura is Agratala.8. The Capital of Mizoram is aizawl.9. The Capital...
Rajasthan GK
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Rajasthan History, Rajasthan Economy, Rajasthan Polity, Geography of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Books and Authors, Rajasthan Awards and Honours, Rajasthan Miscellaneous, Rajasthan General Knowledge Quiz, Rajasthan Current GK, Rajasthan currentgk, Rajasthan General Knowledges, Rajasthan Current Affairs, Rajasthan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ, Rajasthan CURRENT AFFAIRS, Rajasthan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, Rajasthan PERSONALITY, Rajasthan GK, Rajasthan BUSINESS GK, Rajasthan ENVIRONMENT GK, Rajasthan AMAZING FACTS, Rajasthan INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,...
Rajasthan Current GK
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Rajasthan History, Rajasthan Economy, Rajasthan Polity, Geography of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Books and Authors, Rajasthan Awards and Honours, Rajasthan Miscellaneous, Rajasthan General Knowledge Quiz, Rajasthan Current GK, Rajasthan currentgk, Rajasthan General Knowledges, Rajasthan Current Affairs, Rajasthan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ, Rajasthan CURRENT AFFAIRS, Rajasthan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, Rajasthan PERSONALITY, Rajasthan GK, Rajasthan BUSINESS GK, Rajasthan ENVIRONMENT GK, Rajasthan AMAZING FACTS, Rajasthan INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,...
Rajasthan Miscellaneous
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Rajasthan History, Rajasthan Economy, Rajasthan Polity, Geography of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Books and Authors, Rajasthan Awards and Honours, Rajasthan Miscellaneous, Rajasthan General Knowledge Quiz, Rajasthan Current GK, Rajasthan currentgk, Rajasthan General Knowledges, Rajasthan Current Affairs, Rajasthan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ, Rajasthan CURRENT AFFAIRS, Rajasthan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, Rajasthan PERSONALITY, Rajasthan GK, Rajasthan BUSINESS GK, Rajasthan ENVIRONMENT GK, Rajasthan AMAZING FACTS, Rajasthan INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,...
Rajasthan General Knowledge राजस्थान - भौगोलिक और आर्थिक परिप्रेक्ष्य
in: About Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Current Affairs Rajasthan current GK Rajasthan General Knowledge Rajasthan Geography Rajasthan GK Rajasthan History Rajasthan Tourist State of India
राजस्थान की चोहरी इसे एक पतंगाकार आकृति प्रदान करता है। राज्य २३ ० से ३० ० अक्षांश और ६९ ० से ७८ ० देशान्तर के बीच स्थित है। इसके उत्तर में पाकिस्तान, पंजाब और हरियाणा, दक्षिण में मध्यप्रदेश और गुजरात, पूर्व में उत्तर प्रदेश और मध्यप्रदेश एवं पश्चिम में पाकिस्तान है।सिरोही से अलवर की ओर जाती हुई ४८० कि.मी. लम्बी अरावली पर्वत श्रृंखला प्राकृतिक दृष्टि से राज्य को दो भागों में विभाजित करती है। राजस्थान का पूर्वी सम्भाग शुरु से ही उपजाऊ रहा है। इस भाग में वर्षा का औसत ५० से.मी. से ९० से.मी. तक है। राजस्थान के निर्माण के...
Rajasthan GK
in: About Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Current Affairs Rajasthan current GK Rajasthan General Knowledge Rajasthan Geography Rajasthan GK Rajasthan History Rajasthan Tourist State of India
Rajasthan GK, Rajasthan GK Quiz, About Rajasthan,Rajasthan,Rajasthan Current Affairs,Rajasthan current GK,Rajasthan General Knowledge,Rajasthan Geography,Rajasthan GK,Rajasthan History,Rajasthan Tourist,State of IndiaRajasthan GK Quiz 1. अकबर ने चित्तौड़ पर कब आक्रमण कर कब्जा किया?Ans. 1567 ई. में2. अकबर के चित्तौड़ पर आक्रमण के समय किसके नेतृत्व में हजारों राजपूतों ने मुगल सेना का मुकाबला किया?Ans. वीर जयमल और पत्ता ने3. महाराणा प्रताप का राजतिलक कब व कहाँ हुआ?Ans. 1572 ई. में गोगुंदा में4. राणा प्रताप और अकबर की सेना के...
Rajasthan General Knowledge
in: About Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Current Affairs Rajasthan current GK Rajasthan General Knowledge Rajasthan Geography Rajasthan GK Rajasthan History Rajasthan Tourist State of India
Rajasthan Particulars Description Area 3,42,239 sq. km Population 5,64,73,122 Capital Jaipur Principal Languages Hindi and Rajasthani History and Geography Rajasthan, the largest State in India area-wise prior to Independence was known as Rajputana. The Rajputs, a martial community ruled over this area for centuries. The history of Rajasthan dates back to the pre-historic times. Around 3,000 and 1,000 BC, it had a...
Rajasthan GK
in: About Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Current Affairs Rajasthan current GK Rajasthan General Knowledge Rajasthan Geography Rajasthan GK Rajasthan History Rajasthan Tourist State of India
About Rajasthan,Rajasthan,Rajasthan Current Affairs,Rajasthan current GK,Rajasthan General Knowledge,Rajasthan Geography,Rajasthan GK,Rajasthan History,Rajasthan Tourist,State of Ind...
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