Showing posts with label Rajasthan GK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rajasthan GK. Show all posts

Rajasthan gk

 1 राजस्‍थान का प्रवेश द्वार किसे कहा जाता है
2 महुआ के पेङ पाये जाते है
अदयपुर व चितैङगढ
3 राजस्‍थान में छप्‍पनिया अकाल किस वर्ष पङा
1956 वि स
4 राजस्‍थान में मानसून वर्षा किस दिशा मे बढती है
दक्षिण पश्चिम से उत्‍तर पूर्व
5 राजस्‍थान में गुरू शिखर चोटी की उचाई कितनी है
1722 मीटर
6 राजस्‍थान में किस शहर को सन सिटी के नाम से जाना जाता है
जोधपुर को
7 राजस्‍थान की आकति है
विषमकोण चतुर्भुज
8 राजस्‍थान के किस जिले का क्षेत्रफल सबसे ज्‍यादा है
9 राज्‍य की कुल स्‍थलीय सीमा की लम्‍बाई है
5920 किमी
10 राजस्‍थान का सबसे पूर्वी जिला है
11 राजस्‍थान का सागवान कौनसा वक्ष कहलाता है
12 राजस्‍थान के किसा क्षेत्र में सागौन के वन पाये जाते है
13 जून माह में सूर्य किस जिले में लम्‍बत चमकता है
14 राजस्‍थान में पूर्ण मरूस्‍थल वाले जिलें हैंा
जैसलमेर, बाडमेर
15 राजस्‍‍थान के कौनसे भाग में सर्वाधिक वर्षा होती है
16 राजस्‍थान में सर्वाधिक तहसीलों की संख्‍या किस जिले में है
17 राजस्‍थान में सर्वप्रथम सूर्योदय किस जिले में होता है
18 उङिया पठार किस जिले में स्थित है
19 राजस्‍थान में किन वनों का अभाव है
शंकुधारी वन
20 राजस्‍थान के क्षेत्रफल का कितना भू-भाग रेगिस्‍तानी है
लगभग दो-तिहाई
21 राजस्‍थान के पश्चिम भाग में पाये जाने वाला सर्वाधिक विषैला सर्प
पीवणा सर्प
22 राजस्‍थान के पूर्णतया वनस्‍पति रहित क्षेत्र
समगॉव (जैसलमेर)
23 राजस्‍थान के किस जिले में सूर्य किरणों का तिरछापन सर्वाधिक होता है
24 राजस्‍थान का क्षेतफल इजरायल से कितना गुना है
17 गुना बङा है
25 राजस्‍थान की 1070 किमी लम्‍बी पाकिस्‍तान से लगी सिमा रेखा का नाम
रेडक्लिफ रेखा
26 कर्क रेखा राजस्‍थान के किस जिले से छूती हुई गुजरती है
डूंगरपुर व बॉसवाङा से होकर
27 राजस्‍थान में जनसंख्‍या की द़ष्टि से सबसे बङा जिला
28 थार के रेगिस्‍तान के कुल क्षेत्रफल का कितना प्रतिशत राजस्‍थान में है
58 प्रतिशत
29 राजस्‍थान के रेगिस्‍तान में रेत के विशाल लहरदार टीले को क्‍या कहते है
30 राजस्‍थान का एकमात्र जीवाश्‍म पार्क स्थित है
आकलगॉव (जैसलमेर)

राजस्‍थान सामान्‍य ज्ञान (धार्मिक विश्‍वास, सम्‍परदाय, संत, कवि, लोक देवता एंव लोक देवियां)
1    राजस्‍थान में लोक देवता और संतों की जन्‍म एवं कर्म स्‍थली के लिए प्रसिध्‍द है
   - नागौर
    > नागौर की वीर और भक्ति रस के संगम स्‍थल के रूप में भी जाना जाता है

2    तेजाजी का विवाह कहां के नरेश की पुत्री से हुआ था
   -पनेर (अजमेर)

> तेजाजी का विवाह पनेर नरेश रामचन्‍द की पुत्री पैमल से हुआ था
3    लोक देवता की राज्‍य क्रांति का जनक माना जाता है
देवनारायण जी
    >देवमाली-आसींद के पास देवनारायण का प्रमुख तीर्थ स्‍थल है

4    चौबीस बाणियां किस लोकदेवता से संवंधित पुस्‍तक/ग्रन्‍थ है
>रामदेवजी का वाहन नीला घोङा था, रामदेवरा में रामदेवजी का मेला लगता है
5    संत रैदास किसके शिष्‍य थे
संत रामानन्‍द जी के
>संत रैदास मीरां के गुरू थे
6    कौन से संत राजस्‍थान के न्रसिंह के नाम से जाने जाते हे
-भक्‍त कवि दुर्लभ जी
> कवि बागङ क्षेत्र के संत है
7    संत रज्‍जनबजी की प्रधान गद्दी है
सांगानेर में
>संत रज्‍जबती भी संत दादूजी के शिष्‍य थे, जीवन भर दूल्‍हे के वेश में रहने वाले संत रज्‍जब ही थे

8    लोक संत पीपाली की गुफा किस जिले में है
-झालावाङ में
>राजस्‍थान के लोक संत पीपाजी का विशाल मेला समदङी ग्राम में लगता है

9    मेव जाति से संबंध वाले संत है
>लालदास जी सम्‍प्रदाय के प्रवर्तक लालदास जी ही है

10    भौमिया जी को किस रूम में जाना जाता है
-भूमि के रक्षक
    >संत धन्‍ना राजस्‍थान में टोंक जिले के धुवन में हुआ था

11    राजस्‍थान में बरसात का लोक देवता निम्‍नलिखित में से किस देवता को माना जाता है
-मामा देव
    >मांगलियों के इष्‍ट देवत मेहाजी है,

12    संत जसनाथजी का जन्‍म किस जिले में हुआ था
>जसनाथी सम्‍प्रदाय के कुल 36 नियम है

13    दादूपंथी सम्‍प्रदाय की प्रमुख गद्दी स्थित है
-नरैना (जयपुर) में
>दादूदयाल का जन्‍म गुजरात में हुआ था

14    किस लोक देवता कामङिया पंथ की स्‍थापना की थी
बाबा रामदेवजी ने
> रामदेवजी जाति प्रथा का विराध करते थे, बाबा रामदेव का जन्‍म बाङमेर जिले की शिव तहसील में उण्‍डू -कश्‍मीर गांव में हुआ था

15    किस लोक देवता को जाहिर पीर के नाम से जाना जाता है
-गोगाजी को
    >गोगाजी को मुस्ल्मि सम्‍प्रदाय के लोग गोगा पीर कहते है, इन्‍हें राजस्‍थान में पंचपीरों में गिना जाता है, गोगामेङी हनुमानगढ मेला भरता है

16    वीर बग्‍गाजी का जन्‍म किस जिले में हुआ था
-बीकानेर में
>बीर बग्‍गाजी का जन्‍म बीकानेर जिले के जांगलू गांव में हुआ था

17    आलमजी की राजस्‍थान के किस में लोकदेवता के रूप में पूजा जाता है
-बाङमेर में
> आलमजी को बाङमेर जिले के मालाणी प्रदेश में राङधरा क्षेत्र में लोक देवता के रूप में पूजा जाता है

18    जाम्‍भेजी लोक देवता का प्रसिध्‍द स्‍थान कौनसा है
-संभारथाल बीकानरे

19    रामदेवजी लोक देवता का प्रसिध्‍द स्‍थान कौनसा है
-खेङापा जोधपुर

20    गोगाजी लोक देवता का प्रसिध्‍द स्‍थाल कौनसा है
-गोगामेङी हनुमानगढ

World Histor, Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, General Science, Geography of India, Books and Authors, Awards and Honours, World : Miscellaneous, India : Miscellaneous, General Knowledge Quiz,Current GK, currentgk, General Knowledges, Current Affairs, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ,CURRENT AFFAIRS,GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, PERSONALITY,WHO'S WHO,INDIA GK,WORDS AND VOCABULARY,BUSINESS GK,SCIENCE GK, ENVIRONMENT GK, AMAZING FACTS,BANK PO AND CLERICAL EXAM QUESTIONS,INDIA'S ECONOMY,BRAIN TEASERS,INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,SPORTS GK,COMPETITIVE EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY,INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND 5 YEAR PLAN,GK FOR MBA ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, MAT,SNAP 2010,INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES, GROUP DISCUSSION, RAILWAY RECRUITMENTS, UPSC, IAS, FREE QUIZZES2011,Current GK, GK Quiz,india current gk,Latest GK, Parliament of India, General Knowledge Current,Current GK, current general knowledge, currentgk, General Knowledge Today ,Current Affairs, Latest GK,
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current gk

*"Bharat ka Nepolian" kise kaha jata hai?
Base Rate- Wo rate of interest hai jis se kam par bank kisi ko loan nahi de sakte.
*Nariyal utpadan mein India ka world mein kaunsa sthan hai?
Budget prastut karne wale Swatantra India ke first Vitt Mantri?
"Shanmugam Shetty"
*Asian Development Bank ka mukhyalya kahan hai?
Indira Gandhi Paryawaran Prize ki suruwat kab hui?
*"Zoological Survey of India" ka mukhyalya kahan hai?
Bull Fighting kis desh ka rastriya khel hai?
*Hadappa kis nadi ke kinare sthit hai?
Panchayat Raj sanvidhan ke kis anuched ke antargat prarambh hua?
*Rajasthan ka Menchestar kaunsa district kahalata hai?
Manmohan Singh kaunse rajya se Rajya Sabha ke sadasya hai?
*India ki sabse prachin parwat srankhala kaunsi hai?
Raj. ke gramin vishoni sampraday ke lok devta kaun hai?
*Shivaji ke adhyatmik guru "Ramdas" the.
Agra ki sthapana "Sikandar Shah" ne 1506 mein ki.
India mein Dugdh(Milk) utpadan mein U.P. first hai.
*India ka Dugdh(Milk) utpadan mein world mein "First" sthan hai.
Eggs ke utpadan mein India ka world mein "Third" sthan hai.
*Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association ki sthapana (1918) kisne ki?
"Mahatma Gandhi"
Lucknow kis nadi ke kinare sthit hai?
*Subroto Cup kis khel se related hai?
India Wins Freedom book ke writer kaun hai?
"Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad"
*Raj. mein Patrakarita ka Bhishm Pitamah kise kaha jata hai?(RAS-99)
"Pd. Jhabarmal Sharma"
India k First Governor General kaun the?
Waren Hesting
*Jaliyawala Baag hatyakand ki janch k liye British Govt ne kaunsa commission banaya?
"Hunter Commission"
Suil nadi pariyojana kaha hai?
Himachal P
*Humayu ke makbare ka nirman kisne karwaya?
"Haji Begum"
'Straight from the Heart" book kis player ne likhi hai?
"Kapil Dev"
*Rome ka pratham shashak kaun tha?(RAS95)
USSR kaunse year mein Russia bana?(RAS03)
Ajrakh Print k liye prasidh hai-
*Madhyakalin Raj. ke kis shasak ko Abhinav Bhartacharya kaha jata hai?
"Maharana Kumbha"
Brazil ne sabhi 19 World Cup Football mein bhag liya hai.
*Bhumadhya Rekha (Equator) par sthit desh kaunse hai? (UPPSC10)
"Colombia, Brazil, Equador"
Frank Worrel Trophy kis khel se related hai?
*World ki sabse badi Taja Pani ki jheel kaunsi hai?(RAS-93)
"Lake Superior"
Kaila Devi ka Mela kahan ayojit hota hai? (RAS-98)
*World ki sabse badi Taja Pani ki jheel kaunsi hai?(RAS-93)
"Lake Superior"
Kaila Devi ka Mela kahan ayojit hota hai? (RAS-98)
*South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC)Estd-1985 Capital-Kathmandu.
*Mughalon ki Darbari Bhasa "Pharasi" thi
Chittor ka Vijay Stambh "Maharana Kumbha" ne banwaya
Raj. mein Sahariya Janjati ka niwas "Baran" mein ha
*Bharat ke sabse lambe samay tak Chief Minister kaun rahe?
"Jyoti Basu (West Bengal)"
Sanvidhan ka kaunsa bhag Chunawon se related hai?
*1-Kapas utpadan mein bharat ka kaunsa sthan hai?
2-Rovers Cup kis khel se related hai?
*India ki sabse badi Antardesiya Lavania ardrabhoomi kis state mein hai (IAS-09)?
*Bajra utpadan mein Rajasthan ka desh mein kaunsa sthan hai?
*Mewar Prajamandal ke sansthapak kaun hai?
"Manikya Lal Verma"
Raj. mein Tyre&Tube ka sabse bada karkhana(JK Tyre) kahan hai?
*One Day Cricket mein double century lagane wale first batsman?
"Sachin Tendulkar"
South Pole pe pahunchne wali first indian woman?
"Rina Kaushal"
*Delhi ki saltnat ke Tuglak Vansh ka last shashak kaun tha?
"Nasiruddin Mahmud"
Golden Globe Award jitne wale first indian kaun hai?

World Histor, Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, General Science, Geography of India, Books and Authors, Awards and Honours, World : Miscellaneous, India : Miscellaneous, General Knowledge Quiz,Current GK, currentgk, General Knowledges, Current Affairs, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ,CURRENT AFFAIRS,GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, PERSONALITY,WHO'S WHO,INDIA GK,WORDS AND VOCABULARY,BUSINESS GK,SCIENCE GK, ENVIRONMENT GK, AMAZING FACTS,BANK PO AND CLERICAL EXAM QUESTIONS,INDIA'S ECONOMY,BRAIN TEASERS,INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,SPORTS GK,COMPETITIVE EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY,INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND 5 YEAR PLAN,GK FOR MBA ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, MAT,SNAP 2010,INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES, GROUP DISCUSSION, RAILWAY RECRUITMENTS, UPSC, IAS, FREE QUIZZES2011,Current GK, GK Quiz,india current gk,Latest GK, Parliament of India, General Knowledge Current,Current GK, current general knowledge, currentgk, General Knowledge Today ,Current Affairs, Latest GK,
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General Knowledge of India

Raj. ki Pawan Urja Pariyojana:
1st: Amarsagar(Jaisalmer).
2nd: Devgarh(Chittorgarh).
3rd: Binthri(Jodhpur)

>Human Heart ka weight kitna hota hai- Approx 300 Gram
>Indian Diamond Institute kahan h- Surat
>Country of Temples-Nepal

>In 1975 Sikkim became a full fledged state of the Indian Union.
>The Gandhara school of Art was influenced most by the Greeks.

>"Nirbhay" is the Cruise Missile developed by India with 1000km Range.
~Saudi Arabia is Largest supplier of "Crude Oil" to india

>Solar Energy Projects me Raj ko India me 1st rank
>Raj me Single Window Act 1-1-2011 se lagu
>RPSC me sadasya sankhya 5 se badhakar 7

Niyagra Prapat- Newyork
Hazaron Jheelon ki Bhumi- Finland
Eiffel Tower- Paris
Roof of World- Pamir

>Bardoli Kisaan Andolan ka netratwa kisne kiya?
"Sardar Patel"
>Delhi ke Sultan shashkon ne kis bhasa ko sarankshan diya?

*Baboo Dance-Manipur

>Which soil has the largest % of the land area of the world-Aridisols
>Which is known as 'Kalp Taru' of Rajasthan'-Khejari

>Which city is known as 'Solar City'?
*Who was known as 'The 2nd Ashoka'?

>Weight of Balls
*Foot Ball: 396-453 gm
*Basket Ball: 600-650 gm
*Cricket Ball: 156-163 gm
*Volly Ball: 260-280 gm.

World Histor, Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, General Science, Geography of India, Books and Authors, Awards and Honours, World : Miscellaneous, India : Miscellaneous, General Knowledge Quiz,Current GK, currentgk, General Knowledges, Current Affairs, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ,CURRENT AFFAIRS,GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, PERSONALITY,WHO'S WHO,INDIA GK,WORDS AND VOCABULARY,BUSINESS GK,SCIENCE GK, ENVIRONMENT GK, AMAZING FACTS,BANK PO AND CLERICAL EXAM QUESTIONS,INDIA'S ECONOMY,BRAIN TEASERS,INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,SPORTS GK,COMPETITIVE EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY,INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND 5 YEAR PLAN,GK FOR MBA ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, MAT,SNAP 2010,INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES, GROUP DISCUSSION, RAILWAY RECRUITMENTS, UPSC, IAS, FREE QUIZZES2011,Current GK, GK Quiz,india current gk,Latest GK, Parliament of India, General Knowledge Current,Current GK, current general knowledge, currentgk, General Knowledge Today ,Current Affairs, Latest GK,
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Current gk

Q: When was Indian Calender adopted officially?
March 22,1957.
*Bangaram Beach is in Lakshadweep.
*Wandoor Beach located in Andaman &Nicobar.

Q:In which country World's largest Iron ore deposits are located?
*Victoria Falls r in Zambia
*Angel Falls-Venezuela

Q:In Which province Muslim League formed their 1st government after 1946 elections?
*Buxa Tiger Reserve Located in:
West Bengal

Attorney General of India:
Goolam Vahanvati.
Solicitor General of India:
Rohinton Nariman.
Additional Solicitor General of India:

Q:'Shaking Palsy' is another name of which disease?
Parkinson's diseas.
*Pellagra is also called:
4D syndrome.

Golaknath VS Punjab case(1967)-Judge Koka Subbarao
Keshavanantha Bharathi VS Kerala(1973)_SM Sikri
MinervaMills VS GOI(1980) YV Chandrachud

Central Bureau of Investigation-1953
*Intelligence Bureau-1920[Prevoiusly Central Special Branch(CSB)-1887]
*Nationl Security Guards(NSG)-1984?

Chattisgrh-Full of Surprise
HP-Perpect Host
WB-Complete Destination
J&K-Paradise on Earth
UP-Amezing Heritage,Grand Experience

Q:Which blood protein regulates the amount of water in plasma?
*What was the original name of Chenghis khan?

Kelkar Committee Oppointed on 3 issues:
1.First Committee on Backward Castes
2.Direct - Indirect Taxes
3.Enpuiry on Kargil defence deals.

Q: Who has been conferred the 44th Jnanapith Award recently?
Akhalaq Mahmmed Khan Shahryar (Urdu poet).

Q: Who has been named as the honorary ambassador for the 2014 World Cup(Brazil)?
*Laila Lopes from Angola was crowned 60th Miss Universe.

Q: Who was known as 'Babar of British India'?
Robert Clive.
*First Indian-owned newspaper "The Crescent"
(Founder-Gazulu Lakshminarasu Chetty).

Q: Which places are connected by the Adam's bridge?
Dhanushkodi (India) &
Talaimannar (Srilanka).
*The Pacific Ocean was so named by:

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General Knowledge

Q:Till now how many Film Actors have won Bharat Ratna?
1.(MG Ramchandran)
*At d time of Independnce of India(1947), what was women literacy?

Q: In which part of India has new species of frog found?
Western Ghats.
*BK Chaturvedi Committee related to:
Development of National Highways.

NANDAM: 8 days ago
Q:Tuticorin port in Tamilnadu, was in February 2011, renamed as?
VO Chidambaranar.
Q:Which state is host to the World Cup Kabaddi-2012?

VK Saraswat:
1.Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister
2.Secretary Defence R&D
3.Director General Defence Research &Development Org; (DRDO).

Q:Which part of Mumbai is known as Old Woman's Island?
*Which was the 1st vaccine ever to be developed?
*World Health Day Apr7

Q:Which state become the 1st to launch health insurance policy covering all its people?
*World's 1st desert Geopark opens in China

Q: Which range is the most suitable for cultivation of all crops?
15 to 40 Degree Celsius
*'I too had a dream' book written by:
Verghese Kurien.

*Of which country's year in India has started recently with 15 month programme "infinite Opportunites"?
*Hridaynath Award-Lata Mangeshkr

*World Tourism Day27Sept
Theme:Tourism Linking Cultures
2011Host Country-Egypt
Inflation in some commodities, deflation in others

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General Knowledge

Q:Which Country sold 'Alaska' to America in 1867?
Q:Who was the 1st scientist to use a computer language for his computer?
Konrad Zuse.

Organisation- Member Countries:
UNO- 193
WTO- 153
EU- 27
G20- 23
G8- 8+1
OPEC- 12

Q:Who has been honoured with the Vyas Samman-2010?
Vishwanath Prasad(Hindi).
*Kapil Dev launched India's 1st Internet Radio Channel on Cricket.

Q:Who is the 1st woman in India to receive Ashok Chakra?
Kamalesh Kumari.
*Which plant is known as Bio-Diesel plant?
**Donate Blood*

Q:Who scripted Gandhiji's favourite Song 'Vaishnav Jan to...'?
Narsinh mehta
*Central Food Technological Research Institute situated in:

Strongest muscle in the body is the tongue
Coconut is the largest seed in the World
Everyone is colourblind at birth
Dolphins sleep with 1 eye

Q:Who scripted Gandhiji's favourite Song 'Vaishnav Jan to...'?
Narsinh mehta
*Central Food Technological Research Institute situated in:

Q:Among Hyderabad, Bhopal, Lucknow& Banglore which city is located most east Ward?
*Silver Chloride is also known as 'Horn Silver'.

Bank Rate=6%.
Repo Rate=8.25%
Reverse Repo Rate=7.25%.
Base Rate=9.5-10.75%.
Savings Bank Rate=4%

Q:Which place is known as 'Land of Flying Fish'?
Q:'Meneetu' is a lake under a lake.Where is it located?

Q:Which state's CM has announced laptop for students securing 50% marks?
*Global Water Summit:
2010-Kansas City

*"Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi &His struggle with India" written by:
Joseph Leyveld
*Aga Khan Palace in Pune

Race Course Road, the official residence of Indian Prime Minister is commonly Known as?
*National Innovation Council Head:

Q:The Regulation-XVII, passed by the british govt was related to?
Abolition of Sati.
*Suger in blood&urine is tested with:
Bendict's Solution.

Q:Who won silver medal in the Archery World Cup final held in Istanbul?
Deepika Kumari.
*Chairman of IPL: Rajeev Shukla.

Q:Which mughal king coronated(Pattbhisheka) twice?
*The World's most active volcano is:
Cotopaxi (South America).

Q:Recently, Which country has given women the right to vote and run in municipal elections?
Saudi Arabia
*India's 1st woman Jawan-Shanti Tigga.

Mitramela-VD Savarkar,1904
AbhinavBharat-Genesh Savarkar
Anusilan Samiti of Deccan-PulinDas
Young Italy movmnt-Surendranath Benerji

Q:China Successfully launched its 1st unmanned space laboratory. What is the Name of this laboratory?
*Axis Bank was earlier UTI Bank

Andhra Bank-For all ur needs
Canara-Together we can
IDBI-Banking for all
Indian Bank-Ur Tech frndly Bank
UCO-Honours ur trust

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General questions related to geography

When are days and nights equal throughout the globe?
- When sun is above the equator

What is the latitude of  South Pole?
- 90 degree

On globe, the latitude and longitude intersect at what angle?
- 90 degrees

From where the longest circle which can be drawn from earth's surface will pass?
- Will pass through Equator

What will be the difference in longitudes between two places if heir time difference is 2 hours and 20 minutes?
- 35 degree

What happens when a ship crosses Date line from west to east?
- It loses one day

Which is the great circle on earth's surface?
- The equator

Which countries are located on the Greenwich Meridian?
Algeria, Guinea, Iceland

Greenwich mean time (GMT) is the standard time of which country?
- U.K

On which part of earth days and nights are of equal length always?
- Equator

Why the International Date Line makes slight deviation from 180 degree meridian?
- To divide Pacific Ocean in two halves

One degree of longitude on equator is equal to what distance?
- 69 miles

What is equal to latitude of a place?
- Angle between the horizon and the equator

In how many time zones is U.S.A divided?
- 5

Latitude and longitude are at what angle to each other?
- Perpendicular to each other

What is the difference in time between two places 1 degree longitude apart?
- 4 minutes

How many lines are there in latitude and longitude?
- Latitude includes 180 lines and longitude has 360 lines because longitude connects  North Pole to South Pole and latitude is divided from east to west.

 What reference is taken to know the local time of a place?
- Longitudinal position

 In how many time zones is the World divided?
- 24

What is the time difference between IST and GMT?
- 5 hours 30 minutes

Watches of a country is set according to what time?
- Standard time of the country
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Which is our National song?
- Vande Mataram

Who composed our National song?
- Bankim Chandra Chatterji

What is our National Anthem?
- Jana Gana Mana

Who wrote our National Anthem?
- Rabindra Nath Tagore

How many stanza's of Jana Gana Mana song were adopted as National Anthem?
- Only the first stanza

Who composed the famous song 'Sare Jahan Se Accha'?
- Mohammad Iqbal

From where are the words 'Satyameva  Jayate' taken?
- Mundak Upanishad

How many spokes are there in our national emblem  'Ashoka Chakra'?
- 24

In which year was the National Anthem first sung?

What is the ratio of width of our National Flag to its length?
- 2:4

Our Indian National Calender is based on which era?
- Saka era

When was the design of our National Flag  adopted by the Constituent of India?
- July, 1947

What was adopted from the Maurya dynasty in the emblem of government of India?
- Four lions

Our Indian Constitution closely follows the Constitutional system of which country?
- U.K

When was the Constituent Assembly that framed Constitution for  Independent India set up?
- 1949

Who was the chairman of Constituent Assembly?
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad

When India became a Sovereign, democratic republic?
- Jan 26, 1950

Who is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution?
- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

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Places in India improtant from GK

Name the place where Lord Budha breathed his last?
- Kushinagar

Where are the World famous Khajuraho sculptures located?
-Madhya Pradesh

Where is the National Institute of Nutrition located?

Vijayghat ( Samadhi of Lal Bahadur Shastri) is situated on the bank of which river?
- Yamuna

Where is National School of Mines located?
- Pune

Where is the Indian Institute of Science located?
- Bangalore

In which state are the World famous Ajanta Caves situated?
- Maharashtra

Where is the famous Meenakshi Temple situated?
- Tamil Nadu

Where are Dilwara Temples situated?
- Rajasthan (Near Maount Abu)

Which city is called 'White City' of Rajasthan?
- Udaipur (Remember Jaipur is called Pink city). Udaipur is also known as city of lakes.

Where is Buland Darwaza located?
- Fatehpur Sikri

Kanchipuram is in which state?
Tamil Nadu

Which place is famous for gigantic rock-cut statue of Budha?
- Bamiyan

Where is Char Minar located?
- Hyderabad

Where is Sun Temple situated?
- Konark

Where is the National Defence Academy situated?
- Khadakvasla

Where are the headquarters of  the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts?
- New Delhi

Where is the headquarters of Oil and Natural Gas Commission?
- Dehradun

Where is the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre located?
- Trivandrum

Which is the Garden City of India?
- Bangalore

Where is Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy which trains Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officers situated?
- Mussoorie

Where is Indian Cancer Research Institute situated?
- Bombay

Which city is known as 'Electronic City of India'?
- Bangalore

Hawa Mahal is situated in which city?
- Jaipur

Where is famous Somnath Temple located?
- Gujarat

Where is Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research located?
- Kalpakkam

For what is Bijapur known?
- Gol Gumbaz

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General Knowledge

1.Red cross was founded by-J.H. Durant , Established in 1864 World red Cross day iscelebrated on May 8,The Birthday its founder J.H. Durant.
2.Sir Robert S.S Baden Powell is the founder of scouting
3.Who gave the call go back to Vedas-Dayanand
4.The construction of Qutab Minar was begun by Quatab-ud-din Aibak but it was complateed by lltutumish.
5.Who built the Sanchi Stupa- Agratala.
6.Who founded slave dynasty in 1206 A.D.- Quatab-ud-din Aibak.
7.The Capital of Tripura is Agratala.
8. The Capital of Mizoram is aizawl.
9. The Capital of Australia is –Canberra.
10.Spring tides occurs on- Full moon day as well on new moon day.
11.Tides in the oceans are caused by-Attraction of the moon.
12.Buddhism place of worship is-Pongda.
13.Jews place of worship is-Synagogue.
14.Holish book of Jews-Talmud.
15.Malguddi days written by –R.K. Naraynan
16.Das capital-Karl Marx
17.The father of Economics- Adam smith.
18.The Chipko Movement was associated with-preventing felling of trees.
19.Pashmina is a breed of -Sheep.
20.What is the meaning of Buddha –An enlightened one.
21.Which is the holy book of Parsis- Jorah
22.Parliament of U.S.A is known as- Congress
23. Parliament of Afghanistan- Shoora
24. Parliament of Russia-Duma.
25. Parliament of Japan –Diet.
26.SARS:-It Stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. SARS is caused by viruses from the corona and paramyxo virus family.
27.New Governors of India:-
-Kailashpati Mishara – Gujrat
-Ram Parkash Gupta –Madhya Pradesh
-O.P Verma -Punjab
-V.S Kokje – Himachal Pradesh
-Nirmal Chand – Rajasthan
28.LCA(Light Combat Aircraft)is named as “Tejas”
29. Lakshva is Pilot Less target Aircraft
30.Kalpna Chawla: She was an Indian born American Astronaut. She died with other six astronauts in the Columbia shuttle crash on feb.1,2003.She embarked on her second Voyage in the United State space shuttle Columbia on Jan 16,earlier.She was an Indian born American Astronaut.She died with other six astronauts in the Columbia shuttle Columbia on jan 16,earlier.She
was one of the six astronaut crew that flew the
Columbia Flight STS-87in nov.1997 Chawla who had her schooling in Karnal (Haryana)and college education in Punjab did her Masters in Aerospase Engineering from the university of Taxes in in 1984 and Doctorate from Colorado University two year later. An avid flier, she held certified flight instructor’s license with Airplane and Gladder ratings, commercial Pilot L icense for single and multi-engine land and seaplanes
31.Jan. 9,the day Mahatma Gandhi return from South Agrica in 1915-was chosen to celebrate the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
32.The five day 90th session of the Lndian science congress conclude in Bangalore on Jan.7,2003.The focal theme of the congress was Vision for the global Space community.
33.Sriska and Ranthambore are the reserve for lion.
34.International Criminal court was launched formally in the mid march in the Hauge . The first eighteen judges took Oath in the grand ceremony. The court has been set up to handle genocide and the Worst case of war crime or mass atrocities against civilians when no national court
is able or willing to do so.
35.Right to Education:-article 21A provides the free and compulsory education to all children of
the age of six to fourteen.
36.Freedom of information bill:- The parliament approved the “Freedom of information bill”.Now it is statutory right of the citizen to access information from the Government.
37.Right to Education :- article21A provides the free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six to fourteen
38.Freedom of information bill:- The Parliament approved the “freedom of information bill”. Now it is statutory right of the citizen to access information from the Government.
39.Minister of state for defence is prof. Chaman lal gupta
40.Ajit singh is Agriculture Minister.
41. Sapan is not a member of G-8 group.
42. APSARA is the name of the India’s first Nuclear Reactor.
43.The world environment day is celebrated on june 5.
44.Jainism:-Founded by (Rishabha)Varhamana Mahavira. He was a great 24th Triathankras (Pathfinder).Or prophet of Jainism .Mahavir was a
greast Kshtiya ,born at Kundagram (Vaishali) in bihar. He came to be known as Mahavir of jina. The conqueror of passing; his following are known as Janis. He passed away at age 72 in 462 B. C at Pavapuri, a place near modern Rajgir . Mahavira Teaching are known as the “Tri Ratna” or the three jewels of Jainisn,which lead to the attainment of salvation . They are (I) Right Knowledge and (II) Right Action .The Janis used and developed Prakrit,The language of the common people .Their religious literature was written in Ardhamagadhi.
45.Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut in 1498.
46.Ist Chinese traveler, Fahein came to India during the period of chandra Gupta-II(Vikramaditya)
47.2nd Chinese traveler Hieun Tsang came to India during the region of Harshvardhana
48.Who is the Napoleon of India –Samundra Gupta for his military exploits.
49.Harshvardhana written three books-1.Priya Darshika 2.Rattanavali 3.Naga Nanda. The official poet of harshvardhana was bana bhatt .Bana bhatta
composed harsha chirtra and kadambari
50.first battle of panipat in 1526 and founded
the Mugahal dynasty in India
51.Second battle of Panipat was fought between
Akbar and Ibrahim Lodhi at Panipat in 1556 Akbar
Defeated Himu and became the ruled of Delhi and Agra
52 Third battle of Panipat fought between Ahmed Shah Abdali of Afghanistan and Marathas in 1761.In this third battle of Panipat Marathas were completely routed by Ahmed Shah Abdali.
53.Indian National Army was founded by Subash Chander Bose in 1943 in Singapore alongwith Rasbihari Bose. The main aim of Azad Hind Fauz
was to liberation of India.
54.The Brahmo Samaj was established by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in 1828 whose leadership was later taken by Debendernath tagore and Keshub Chande Sen.
55.The Arya Samaj founded by Swami Dayananda Saraswati in 1875 attempted to reform the Hindu religion from its decadence.
56.The Ramakrishana Mission was founded by
Swami Vevekananda in 1896 .
57.Annie besant:- Founded Theosophical society started home rule league in 1916. She was the first woman president of Indian National Congress.Indian National Congress Founded by A.O.Hume in 1885. However first President of Indian national congress was W.C. Banerjee.
58.Swadeshi movement was started in 1905.
59.Gadder party was founded by lala Hardayal singh in 1913 at Francisco.
60.Home rule league founded by Annie Besant and Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak in 1916.
1916.Rowlatt Act. Passed in 1919.
61.Non-Co-Operation movement started in 1920 by Gandhi ji. This movement ended in 1922 after Chauri Chaura incident.
62.Simons commission –1928
63.Civil Disobedience movement-1930
64. “Do or die” –Mahatma Gandhi
65. “Nightingale of India”-Saorjini Naidu.
66. “Father of Indian Unrest”-Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak.
67. “Architect of India”- Pandit Nehru.
68. “
Man of Peace”-Lal Bhadur Shastri.
69. “Iron Man of India”-Sardar.
70. “jai hind” –subash chander bose
71. “Grand old man of India” –Dada Bhai Naroji

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Rajasthan GK

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World Histor, Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, General Science, Geography of India, Books and Authors, Awards and Honours, World : Miscellaneous, India : Miscellaneous, General Knowledge Quiz,Current GK, currentgk, General Knowledges, Current Affairs, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ,CURRENT AFFAIRS,GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, PERSONALITY,WHO'S WHO,INDIA GK,WORDS AND VOCABULARY,BUSINESS GK,SCIENCE GK, ENVIRONMENT GK, AMAZING FACTS,BANK PO AND CLERICAL EXAM QUESTIONS,INDIA'S ECONOMY,BRAIN TEASERS,INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,SPORTS GK,COMPETITIVE EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY,INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND 5 YEAR PLAN,GK FOR MBA ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, MAT,SNAP 2010,INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES, GROUP DISCUSSION, RAILWAY RECRUITMENTS, UPSC, IAS, FREE QUIZZES2011,Current GK, GK Quiz,india current gk,Latest GK, Parliament of India, General Knowledge Current,Current GK, current general knowledge, currentgk, General Knowledge Today ,Current Affairs, Latest GK,
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Rajasthan Current GK

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Rajasthan Miscellaneous

Rajasthan History, Rajasthan Economy, Rajasthan Polity, Geography of Rajasthan, Rajasthan Books and Authors, Rajasthan Awards and Honours, Rajasthan Miscellaneous, Rajasthan General Knowledge Quiz, Rajasthan Current GK, Rajasthan currentgk, Rajasthan General Knowledges, Rajasthan Current Affairs, Rajasthan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ, Rajasthan CURRENT AFFAIRS, Rajasthan GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, Rajasthan PERSONALITY, Rajasthan GK, Rajasthan BUSINESS GK, Rajasthan ENVIRONMENT GK, Rajasthan AMAZING FACTS, Rajasthan INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA, Rajasthan SPORTS GK, Rajasthan COMPETITIVE EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, Rajasthan HISTORY, Rajasthan GEOGRAPHY, Rajasthan CONSTITUTION AND 5 YEAR PLAN, Rajasthan RAILWAY RECRUITMENTS, abour rajasthan, Rajasthan, Rajasthan Festivals Fairs, Rajasthan Geography, rajasthan history, Rajasthan Profile, Rajasthan rajasthan, Rajasthan Tourist

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Rajasthan General Knowledge राजस्थान - भौगोलिक और आर्थिक परिप्रेक्ष्य

राजस्थान की चोहरी इसे एक पतंगाकार आकृति प्रदान करता है। राज्य २३ से ३० अक्षांश और ६९ से ७८ देशान्तर के बीच स्थित है। इसके उत्तर में पाकिस्तान, पंजाब और हरियाणा, दक्षिण में मध्यप्रदेश और गुजरात, पूर्व में उत्तर प्रदेश और मध्यप्रदेश एवं पश्चिम में पाकिस्तान है।
सिरोही से अलवर की ओर जाती हुई ४८० कि.मी. लम्बी अरावली पर्वत श्रृंखला प्राकृतिक दृष्टि से राज्य को दो भागों में विभाजित करती है। राजस्थान का पूर्वी सम्भाग शुरु से ही उपजाऊ रहा है। इस भाग में वर्षा का औसत ५० से.मी. से ९० से.मी. तक है। राजस्थान के निर्माण के पश्चात् चम्बल और माही नदी पर बड़े-बड़े बांध और विद्युत गृह बने हैं, जिनसे राजस्थान को सिंचाई और बिजली की सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हुई है। अन्य नदियों पर भी मध्यम श्रेणी के बांध बने हैं। जिनसे हजारों हैक्टर सिंचाई होती है। इस भाग में ताम्बा, जस्ता, अभ्रक, पन्ना, घीया पत्थर और अन्य खनिज पदार्थों के विशाल भण्डार पाये जाते हैं।
राज्य का पश्चिमी संभाग देश के सबसे बड़े रेगिस्तान "थारपाकर' का भाग है। इस भाग में वर्षा का औसत १२ से.मी. से ३० से.मी. तक है। इस भाग में लूनी, बांड़ी आदि नदियां हैं, जो वर्षा के कुछ दिनों को छोड़कर प्राय: सूखी रहती हैं। देश की स्वतंत्रता से पूर्व बीकानेर राज्य गंगानहर द्वारा पंजाब की नदियों से पानी प्राप्त करता था। स्वतंत्रता के बाद राजस्थान इण्डस बेसिन से रावी और व्यास नदियों से ५२.६ प्रतिशत पानी का भागीदार बन गया। उक्त नदियों का पानी राजस्थान में लाने के लिए सन् १९५८ में राजस्थान नहर (अब इंदिरा गांधी नहर) की विशाल परियोजना शुरु की गई। यह परियोजना सन् २००५ तक सम्पूर्ण होगी। इस परियोजना पर ३००० करोड़ रु. व्यय होने का अनुमान है। इस समय इस पर १६०० करोड़ रु. व्यय हो चुके हैं। अब तक ६४९ कि.मी. लम्बी मुख्य नहर पूरी हो चुकी है। नहर की वितरिका प्रणाली लगभग ९००० कि.मी. होगी, इनमें से ६००० कि.मी. वितरिकाएं बन चुकी है। इस समय १० लाख हैक्टेयर भूमि परियोजना के सिंचाई क्षेत्र में आ गई है। परियोजना के पूरी होने के बाद क्षेत्र की कुल १५.७९ लाख हैक्टेयर भूमि सिंचाई से लाभान्वित होगी, जिससे ३५ लाख टन खाद्यान्न, ३ लाख टन वाणिज्यिक फसलें एवं ६० लाख टन घास उत्पन्न होगी। परियोजना क्षेत्र में कुल ५ लाख परिवार बसेंगे। जोधपुर, बीकानेर, चुरु एवं बाड़मेर जिलों के नगर और कई गांवों को नहर से विभिन्न "लिफ्ट परियोजनाओं' से पहुंचाये गये पीने का पानी उपलब्ध होगा। इस प्रकार राजस्थान के रेगिस्तान का एक बड़ा भाग शस्य श्यामला भूमि में बदल जायेगा। सूरतगढ़ में यह नजारा इस समय भी देखा जा सकता है।
इण्डस बेसिन की नदियों पर बनाई जाने वाली जल-विद्युत योजनाओं में भी राजस्थान भागीदार है। इसे इस समय भाखरा-नांगल और अन्य योजनाओं के कृषि एवं औद्योगिक विकास में भरपूर सहायता मिलती है। राजस्थान नहर परियोजना के अलावा इस भाग में जवाई नदी पर निर्मित एक बांध है, जिससे न केवल विस्तृत क्षेत्र में सिंचाई होती है, वरन् जोधपुर नगर को पेय जल भी प्राप्त होता है। यह सम्भाग अभी तक औद्योगिक दृष्टि से पिछड़ा हुआ है। पर इस क्षेत्र में ज्यो-ज्यों बिजली और पानी की सुविधाएं बढ़ती जायेंगी औद्योगिक विकास भी गति पकड़ लेगा। इस बाग में लिग्नाइट, फुलर्सअर्थ, टंगस्टन, बैण्टोनाइट, जिप्सम, संगमरमर आदि खनिज पदार्थ प्रचुर मात्रा में पाये जाते हैं। जैसलमेर क्षेत्र में तेल मिलने की अच्छी सम्भावनाएं हैं। हाल ही की खुदाई से पता चला है कि इस क्षेत्र में उच्च कि की गैस प्रचुर मात्रा में उपलब्ध है। अब वह दिन दूर नहीं है जबकि राजस्थान का यह भाग भी समृद्धिशाली बन जाएगा।
राज्य का क्षेत्रफल ३.४२ लाख वर्ग कि.मी. है जो भारत के क्षेत्रफल का १०.४० प्रतिशत है। यह भारत का सबसे बड़ा राज्य है। वर्ष १९९६-९७ में राज्य में गांवों की संख्या ३७८८९ और नगरों तथा कस्बों की संख्या २२२ थी। राज्य में ३२ जिला परिषदें, २३५ पंचायत समितियां और ९१२५ ग्राम पंचायतें हैं। नगर निगम २ और सभी श्रेणी की नगरपालिकाएं १८० हैं।
सन् १९९१ की जनगणना के अनुसार राज्य की जनसंख्या ४.३९ करोड़ थी। जनसंखाय घनत्व प्रति वर्ग कि.मी. १२६ है। इसमें पुरुषों की संख्या २.३० करोड़ और महिलाओं की संख्या २.०९ करोड़ थी। राज्य में दशक वृद्धि दर २८.४४ प्रतिशत थी, जबकि भारत में यह दर २३.५६ प्रतिशत थी। राज्य में साक्षरता ३८.८१ प्रतिशत थी. जबकि भारत की साक्षरता तो केवल २०.८ प्रतिशत थी जो देश के अन्य राज्यों में सबसे कम थी। राज्य में अनुसूचित जाति एवं अनुसूचित जनजाति राज्य की कुल जनसंख्या का क्रमश: १७.२९ प्रतिशत और १२.४४ प्रतिशत है।
१९९६-९७ के अन्त में प्राथमिक विद्यालय ३३८९, उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय १२,६९२, माध्यमिक विद्यालय ३५०१ और वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक विद्यालय १४०४ थे। उच्च शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में विश्वविद्यालय ६, "डीम्ड' विश्वविद्यालय ४, कला वाणिज्य और विज्ञान महाविद्यालय २३१, इंजीनियकिंरग कॉलेज ७, मेडिकल कॉलेज ६, आयुर्वेद महाविद्यालय ५ और पोलीटेक्निक २४ हैं। राज्य में हॉस्पिटल २९, डिस्पेंसरियां २७८, प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र १६१६, सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र २६१, शहरी सहायता केन्द्र १३, उपकेन्द्र ९४००, मातृ एवं शिशु कल्याण केन्द्र ११८ एवं अन्तरोगी शैय्या में ३६७०२ हैं। आयुर्वेद औषधालयो की संख्या ३५७१ और होम्योपैथी चिकित्सालयों की संख्या १४६८ और भ्रमणशील पशु चिकित्सालयों की संख्या ५३ है।
राज्य में पशुधन की संख्या ६ करोड़ से अधिक है। राज्य के सभी नगर एवं ३७,२७४ गांव सुरक्षित पेय जल योजना के अन्तर्गत आ चुके हैं। राज्य में सड़कों की कुल लम्बाई १,३८,००० कि.मी. थी और वाहनों की संख्या १९.८ लाख थी। इनमें कारों और जीपों की संख्या १,६० लाख थी।
१९९६-९७ में राज्य का सकल घरेलू उत्पाद स्थिर कीमतों पर लगभग १२४२० करोड़ रु. और सुद्ध घरेलू उत्पाद ११,०२१ करोड़ रु का था। राज्य में प्रति व्यक्ति आय २,२३२ रु. थी। उक्त वर्ष राज्य में खाद्यान्न उत्पाद १२७०२ लाख टन था और तिलहन तथा कपास का उत्पादन क्रमश: ४० लाख टन और १२.९५ लाख गांठें थी। राज्य में फसलों के अन्तर्गत कुल १७५ लाख हैक्टेयर क्षेत्र था। इसका २९ प्रतिशत सिंचित क्षेत्र था।
राज्य में १९९६ में शक्कर का उत्पादन ३१ हजार टन, वनस्पति घी का ३० हजार टन, नमक का ११ लाख टन, सीमेन्ट का ६६ लाख टन, सूती कपडे का ४५७ लाख मीटर और पोलिएस्टर धागे का उत्पादन ११५०० टन हुआ। प्रदेश में १९९६ में सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र में १०.१० लाख और निजी क्षेत्र में २.५६ लाख व्यक्ति कार्यरत थे। राज्य में बैंकों की कुल शाखाएं ३२१७ थीं, जिनमें क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बैंकों की १०७० शाखाएं शामिल हैं।
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Rajasthan GK

Rajasthan GK, Rajasthan GK Quiz, About Rajasthan,Rajasthan,Rajasthan Current Affairs,Rajasthan current GK,Rajasthan General Knowledge,Rajasthan Geography,Rajasthan GK,Rajasthan History,Rajasthan Tourist,State of India

Rajasthan GK Quiz

1. अकबर ने चित्तौड़ पर कब आक्रमण कर कब्जा किया?

Ans. 1567 ई. में

2. अकबर के चित्तौड़ पर आक्रमण के समय किसके नेतृत्व में हजारों राजपूतों ने मुगल सेना का मुकाबला किया?

Ans. वीर जयमल और पत्ता ने

3. महाराणा प्रताप का राजतिलक कब व कहाँ हुआ?

Ans. 1572 ई. में गोगुंदा में

4. राणा प्रताप और अकबर की सेना के मध्य हल्दीघाटी का प्रसिद्ध युद्ध किस दिन प्रारंभ हुआ?

Ans. 18 जून 1576 को

5. हल्दीघाटी के युद्ध में किस मैदान में राणा प्रताप मुगल सेना से घिर गए थे?

Ans. खमनोर गाँव के रक्त तलाई के मैदान में

6. हल्दीघाटी युद्ध में शहीद हुए राणा प्रताप के सेनापति पठान हकीम खाँ सूरी की समाधि (मजार) कहाँ स्थित है?

Ans. खमनोर गाँव के रक्त तलाई के मैदान में

7. हल्दीघाटी के पास स्थित खमनोर गाँव के रक्त तलाई के मैदान में ग्वालियर के किस राजकुमार ने अपने प्राण उत्सर्ग किए जिसकी समाधि (छतरी) भी वहाँ स्थित है?

Ans. राम सिंह तंवर

8. हल्दीघाटी युद्ध के शुरू होने से पूर्व अकबर की शाही सेना ने जिस स्थान पर डेरा डाला था, उसे क्या कहा जाता है?

Ans. शाही बाग

9. राणा प्रताप के घोड़े की समाधि कहाँ स्थित है?

Ans. हल्दीघाटी में

10. हल्दीघाटी युद्ध में प्रताप के घोड़े चेतक घायल हो जाने पर परिस्थिति को समझते हुए किस वीर राजपूत ने राजचिन्ह और ध्वज अपने हाथ में ले लिया और प्रताप के स्थान पर स्वयं लड़ कर प्रताप को युद्ध मैदान से बाहर निकाला था?

Ans. राजराणा वीदा (झाला मान)
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Rajasthan General Knowledge


Particulars Description
Area 3,42,239 sq. km
Population 5,64,73,122
Capital Jaipur
Principal Languages Hindi and Rajasthani

History and Geography

Rajasthan, the largest State in India area-wise prior to Independence was known as Rajputana. The Rajputs, a martial community ruled over this area for centuries.
The history of Rajasthan dates back to the pre-historic times. Around 3,000 and 1,000 BC, it had a culture akin to that of the Indus Valley civilisation. The Chauhans who dominated Rajput affairs from seventh century and by 12th century they had become an imperial power. After the Chauhans, the Guhilots of Mewar controlled the destiny of the warring tribes. Besides Mewar, the other historically prominent states were Marwar, Jaipur, Bundi, Kota, Bharatpur and Alwar. Other States were only offshoots of these. All these States accepted the British Treaty of Subordinate Alliance in 1818 protecting the interest of the princes. This naturally left the people discontented.
After the revolt of 1857, the people united themselves under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi to contribute to the freedom movement. With the introduction of provincial autonomy in 1935 in British India, an agitation for civil liberties and political rights became stronger in Rajasthan. The process of uniting scattered States commenced from 1948 to 1956 when the States Reorganisation Act was promulgated. First came Matsya Union (1948) consisting of a fraction of states, then, slowly and gradually other states merged with this Union. By 1949, Major States like Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer joined this Union making it the United State of Greater Rajasthan. Ultimately in 1958, the present State of Rajasthan formally came into being, with Ajmer state, the Abu Road Taluka and Sunel Tappa joining it.
The entire western flank of the State borders with Pakistan, while Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh bound Rajasthan in north-east, south-east and Gujarat in south-west.


Total cultivable area in the State is 225 lakh hectares (2008-2009). The estimated foodgrain production is 161.80 lakh tonnes (2008-09). Principal crops cultivated in the State are rice, barley, jowar, millet, maize, gram, wheat, oilseeds, pulses, cotton and tobacco. Cultivation of vegetable and citrus fruits such as orange and malta has also picked up over last few years. Other crops are red chillies, mustard, cumin seeds, fenugreek (methi) and asafoetida (hing).

Industry and Minerals

Endowed with a rich culture, Rajasthan is also rich in minerals and is fast emerging on the industrial scenario of the country. Some of the important Central undertakings are Zinc Smelter Plant at Devari (Udaipur), Copper Plant at Khetri Nagar (Jhunjhunu) and Precision Instrument Factory at Kota. Small-scale industrial units numbering 13,16,267 with a capital investment of Rs.8,88,820.70 crore provides employment potential to about 13,16,267 persons in the States as on March 2009. Major industries are textiles and woollens, sugar, cement, glass, sodium plants, oxygen, vegetable dyes, pesticides, zinc, fertilizers, railway wagons, ball bearings, water and electricity metres, sulphuric acid, television sets, synthetic yarn and insulting bricks. Besides, precious and semi-precious stones, caustic soda, calcium carbide, nylon and tyers, etc. are other important industrial units.
Rajasthan has rich deposits of zinc concentrates, emerald, granite, gypsum, silver ore, asbestos, feldspar and mica. Promotional Industrial Park of the country has been established and made operational at Sitapura (Jaipur).

Irrigation and Power

By the end of March 2009 irrigation potential of 36.46 lakh hectares was created in the State through various major, medium and minor irrigation projects and additional irrigation potential of 58,067 hectares (excluding IGNP & CAD) had been created. The installed power capacity in the State has become 7019.59Mw upto December 2009 of which 4375.30 Mw is produced from State-owned projects, 766.00 Mw from collaboration projects and 1879.29 Mw from the allocation from Central power generating stations.


Roads: The total length of roads was 1,86,806 km as on March 2009.
Railways: Jodhpur, Jaipur, Bikaner, Kota, Sawai Madhopur and Bharatpur are main rail junctions of State.
Aviation: : Regular air services connect Jaipur, Jodhpur and Udaipur with Delhi and Mumbai.


Rajasthan is a land of festivals and fairs, besides the national festivals of Holi, Deepawali, Vijayadashmi, Christmas, etc., birth anniversaries of gods and goddesses, saintly figures, folk heroes and heroines are celebrated. Important fairs are Teej, Gangaur (Jaipur), annual Urs of Ajmer Sharif and Galiakot, tribal Kumbh of Beneshwar (Dungarpur), Mahaveer fair at Shrimahavirji in Sawai Madhopur, Ramdeora (Jaisalmer), Janbheslwari fair(Mukam-Bikaner), Kartik Poornima and Cattle Fair (Pushkar-Ajmer) and Shyamji Fair(Sikar), etc.

Tourist Centres

Hawa Mahal, Jaipur

Deserts of Jaisalmer
Jaipur, Jodhpur,Udaipur, Bikaner, Mount Abu, Sariska Tiger Sanctuary in Alwar, Keoladeo National Park at Bharatpur, Ajmer, Jaisalmer, Pali and Chittorgarh are important places of tourist interest in the State.

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Rajasthan GK

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