How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile


Balance Transfer on Tata Docomo

The service although launched some few months or even a year back , someof of you may not know "How to transfer your balance to your friend's mobile " or viceversa . So, even though few mobile operator hasn't launched this service yet, major operator like Vodafone,Idea and Docomo has already made this service available to their subscribers.

How to Transfer Balance in Tata Docomo ?

For those who're using Docomo , here is the simple steps that you need to do - to Transfer your Mobile balance to your friend's mobile.
How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile
What you have to do ?
How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile
- If you want to To transfer your Balance type "BT Target Mobile Number Amount" and send to 54321
How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile
                    eg: type BT 92XXXXXXX 20 send to 54321 .
How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile
- To reverse the Amount type "RBTTransaction ID" and send it to 54321
How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile
- SMS Charge Rs.1 applicable for Balance Transfer, while reversal will be Toll Free .

Conditions for Balance Transfer :

>> The sender’s account for "Balance Transfer" must have balance of TransferAmount + Rs.1  at the time of transfer. If balance is insufficient then the transfer will be failed .
How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile
Note that ,the SMS charge will be credited from your mobile even if your mobile has no sufficient amount for the Transfer .
How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile
>> For Reversals the amount reversed will be dependent on the availalble recipient balance.
How to Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile and viceversa | Transfer Balance from Tata Docomo to your Friend's Mobile
For Example to Transfer Rs.25 Talk-time from 903001XXXX to 903999XXXX . The sender types "BT 903999XXXX 25" and SMS to 54321 .
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