Goverment Jobs

SRF/JRF vacancies in Central Arid Zone Research Institute Jodhpur Indian Council of Agricultural Research No. F.NICRA/Div-III/2011-Adm.I April 2012

Name of Project:  Vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies for agriculture in respect of climate change in arid western India” (NICRA)” CAZRI, Jodhpur
Name of Post:  Senior Research Fellow – 02 posts
Emoluments:  Rs. 16,000/- pm + HRA (for Ist and IInd years and Rs. 18000/- + HRA in the IIIrd year onwards)
Post No.1 SRF (Soil Science): M.Sc. Science/Chemistry (Organic/Inorganic) /Agronomy and allied disciplines with Ist Division or 60% marks or equivalent grade point average.
Post No.2 SRF (Horticulture/Entomology): M.Sc. Horticulture/Entomology/Agriculture with specialization in entomology with Ist Division or 60% marks or equivalent grade point average.
Desirable Experience for all the SRF Posts: In computer operation and handling of modern equipment in the relevant fields.
Age limit:  35 years for men and 40 years for women on the date of walk-in-interview (Relaxation for SC/ST/ OBC candidates as per rule)
Date of walk-in-interview:  03rd May, 2012. at 10.30 AM
Name of Project:  Establishment of Field Gene Bank (PVP & FR Project)
Name of Post:  Senior Research Fellow – 01 post
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000/- pm + HRA
  M.Sc. in the disciplines of Botany/Economic Botany/Genetics/Plant Breeding and allied disciplines with Ist Division or 60% marks or equivalent grade point average, experience in the respective field
Name of Post:  Junior Research Fellow – 01 post
Emoluments:  Rs. 14,000/- pm + HRA
Qualification: M.Sc. in the disciplines of M.Sc. in Botany/Economic Botany/ Genetics/Plant Breeding and allied disciplines with Ist Division or 60% marks or equivalent grade point average.
Name of Post:  Field Assistant – 01 post
Emoluments:  Rs. 8,000/- pm
  B.Sc. Bio-Science/Agriculture and /or M.Sc. in Botany/Economic Botany/Genetics/Plant Breeding and allied disciplines.
Maximum Age limit for all the posts:  35 years for men and 40 years for women on the date of walk-in-interview (Relaxation for SC/ST/ OBC candidates as per rule)
Date of walk-in-interview:  04th May, 2012 at 10.30 AM
The candidates fulfilling the qualification for the above position are invited to appear for a walk-in-interview to be held at the:
Office of Dr. R.K. Bhatt, HD-III,
Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Light Industrial Area, Jodhpur – 342 003 (Raj.).

The candidate should bring the following documents along with bio-data on plain paper duly signed and pasted with a recent colour passport size photograph on it.
For more details and important information & instruction please visit

Vacancies in National Institute of Technology Raipur (Sub-DIC Bioinformatics) Raipur Advt No. No./NITRR/Sub-DIC-Recruitment/01/2012, Raipur dated: 17/04/2012 April 2012

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the followingNational-Institute-of-Technology-Raipur-logo positions in the following pre revised pay scale for the Bioinformatics programme/project period only:-
Post: Information Officer – 01 post
Salary: RS. 8000-275-13500/-
Age Limit: 35 year
Essential Qualification: Essential: Minimum First Class Master Degree in Biotechnology / Life Sciences/Basic Sciences/Physical Sciences with one year Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics/Computer Science OR First class Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics /Computer Science.
Desirable: Ph.D. Degree in Bioinformatics/Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Computer Science.
Essential Experience: At least three year experience in the area of Bioinformatics/Biotechnology.
Note: Preference will be given to the candidates with high impact of publication in the form of book/journal articles.
Post: Technical Assistant – 01 post
Salary: Rs. 5500-175-9000/-
Age Limit: 35 year
Essential Qualification: First Class Master Degree in Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology /Life Sciences / Botany / Zoology / Physics / Electronics / Computer Science OR B. E. / B. Tech in Bioinformatics / Biotechnology / Computer Science.
Essential Experience: At least one year working experience of Computer programming and familiarity with computer operations and maintenance OR At least one year working experience in the field of bioinformatics/biotechnology. (Candidates with higher qualification will be given preference.)
Note: Preference will be given to the candidates with high impact of publication in the form of book/journal articles.
Post: Data Entry Operator – 01 post
Salary: Rs. 4000-100-6000/-
Age Limit: 35 year
Essential Qualification: First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Science/Computer Science /Computer application. (Candidates with higher qualifications will be given preference.)
Desirable Experience: At least one year working experience of MS Office.
Note: Familiarity with computer operations and maintenance OR At least one year working experience in the field of bioinformatics. (Candidates with higher qualification will be given preference.)
Post: Traineeship – 01 post
Salary: 5000(consolidated)
Age Limit: 35 year
Essential Qualification: First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Science/Bioinformatics OR B.E./B.Tech in Biotechnology/Biomedical/Engineering & Technology.
Candidates applying for more than one post are required to send separate application for each post. The institute reserves the right to fill-up or not to fill-up any post(s).
Last date for submission of application form is: 07th May, 2012.
Application Procedure: The completely filled up application form should be send by registered/speed post to:
Dr. M. K. Verma, Coordinator/PI,
Sub-DIC Bioinformatics,
National Institute of Technology Raipur, G.E. Road, Raipur – 492010 (C.G.)”.
The envelope should be essentially superscripted with ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST ——-Sub-DIC Bio-informatics.
For complete details and important information and instructions kindly visit

Steno-Typist in Office of the District and Session Judge Ludhiana April 2012

Applications for posts of Steno-typist on the prescribed proforma areOffice-of-the-District-and-Session-Judge-Ludhiana-logo invited on consolidated salary:
Post: Steno-Typist
No. of Post: 32 posts
Educational Qualification:- The candidate should possess a degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science or equivalent thereto from a recognized University and he will have to qualify the English Shorthand test at a speed of 80 w.p.m. and 20 w.p.m. for transcription of the same on the date of test. The candidate should also have proficiency in computers (word processing and spread sheet).
Age Limit:  18 to 37 years as on 01st January, 2012
How to Apply:  Applications on the prescribed proforma along with three recent identical passport size attested photographs with complete bio-data and attested copies of testimonials, should be send on or before 02nd May, 2012.
For complete details and application format kindly visit

Lecturer in Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore April 2012

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 10:40 PM PDT

IIM Indore is hiring talented individuals for the position of LecturerIndian-Institute-of-Management-IIM-Indore-logo1 for Integrated Program in Management for the following disciplines:
Job Title: Lecturer
Subjects: Mathematics/ Economics/ History/ Statistics/ Sociology/ Philosophy/ Computer Science/ Psychology/ Spanish/ English
Eligibility: Candidates must hold a Masters degree or equivalent degree in the relevant discipline or a closely related discipline at the time of joining, however preference will be given to candidates with a Ph. D degree.
How to Apply: Candidates should apply via email on or before 30th April 2012 to .
The subject line of your email should be “Application for Lecturer in XYZ”, where XYZ is replaced with the name of the discipline you are applying for. Please do not attach any documents that are not in PDF format.
If all documents cannot be submitted by email, then do not apply via email. Instead, send hard copies of all documents to:
Integrated Program in Management Office
Indian Institute of Management Indore
Rau‐Pithampur Road, Indore 453331, Madhya Pradesh, India

Please visit  for detailed advertisement.

Trainee vacancies in Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) Burnpur (West Bengal) April 2012

Special Drive for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD categories only
IISCO Steel Plant at under SAIL invites application for the followingSteel-Authority-of-India-Limited-SAIL-logo1 posts:-
Post: Operator cum Technician (Trainee)
No. of Vacancy: 143 Posts (SC-22, ST-26,OBC-95, Ex.SM-14, PWD-16) in various disciplines
Pay Scale: Rs. 9160-3%-13150/-
Post:  Attendant cum Technician (Trainee)
No. of Vacancy: 53 Posts (SC-22, ST-12, OBC-19, Ex.SM-5, PWD-4) in various disciplines
Pay Scale: Rs. 8630-3%-12080/-
Application Fee:  Rs. 250/- 1st post and Rs.150/- for 2nd post (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD) to be deposited in any SBI branch through a payment challan.
How to Apply: Apply Online at SAIL website on or before 14th May, 2012 only.
For more information, please view
Apply Online at (please click the + sign and go to bottom of the document)
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