Goverment Jobs


Medical Officer posts in CAPF April-2012

Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs
Directorate General, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
Hq. DG CRPF, Block No. 01, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 

Medical Officer Selection Board  ( Central Armed Police Forces  - CAPFs) –2012

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for appointment to Group ‘A’ post of  Specialist Medical Officers (Deputy Commandant) and Medical Officers (Assistant Commandant) in Central Armed Police Forces (BSF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB and Assam Rifles), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

  • Specialist Medical Officer (Deputy Commandant)  : 221  posts in various CAPFs (CRPF-129, BSF-55, ITBP-12, Assam Rifles - 5, SSB-20) in various Speciality, Pay Scale :  Rs.15600 – 39100/- Grade pay Rs.6600/-, Age : 40 years.
  • Medical Officer (Assistant Commandant)  : 289  posts in various CAPFs (CRPF-39, BSF-50, ITBP-124, Assam Rifles - 36, SSB-40), Pay Scale :  Rs.15600 – 39100/- Grade pay Rs.5400/-, Age : 30 years.
  • Dental Surgeon Medical Officer (Assistant Commandant)  : 04  posts in various CAPFs (CRPF-2, SSB-1, Assam Rifles - 1), Pay Scale :  Rs.15600 – 39100/- Grade pay Rs.5400/-, Age : 35 years.
How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should reach at the following address within 30 days (40 days for the candidates from far-flung areas)  (will be published in Employment News on 28/04/2012) :

The Deputy Inspector General (Rectt.), Member Secretary, Medical Officers Selection Board (CAPFs) –2012,HQ DG CRPF, Block No. 01, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003

For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with application form and Application Form, please see


Rites requires Programmers April-2012

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Rites Ltd.,Rites Bhawan,No-1,Sector-29,Gurgaon-122001  

RITES Limited, a premier consultancy organization, is in urgent need of dynamic and hard working Programmers in IT discipline purely on contract basis, initially for a period of one year : 
  • Programmers : 06 posts, Pay : Rs.13000/- plus allowance and perks, Age : 40 years
How to Apply :  Apply Online at Rites website on or before 11/05/2012. the system will generate ‘Registration Slip’ with Registration No., which has to be printed, signed and sent to Manager(P)/ Rectt, RITES Bhawan, Plot No. 1, Sector – 29, Gurgaon – 122001 by speed post along with attested copies of educational certificates, Community certificate etc. on or before 18/05/2012.

Please view for details  for details and apply online at


BEL Probationary Engineers-Officer vacancy April-2012

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Recruitment of Probationary  Engineers  

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratana company and India’s premier professional electronics company requires Graduate Engineers as Probationary Engineers :
  • Probationary Engineers : 177 posts (Electronics-88, Mechanical-32, Computer Sc.-50) 
  • Probationary Officer : 07 posts in HR discipline
How to Apply :  Apply Online at BEL website from 25/04/2012 to 10/05/2012 only.

Please visit  for more information and online submission application form from 25/04/2012 onwards. 


Special Drive Probationary Engineers in BEL April-2012

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST for the posts of Probationary Engineers 

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Nav ratana company and India’s premier professional electronics company requires Graduate Engineers as Probationary Engineers :
  • Probationary Engineers : 48 posts (Electronics-24, Mechanical-14, Computer Sc.-10), 
How to Apply :  Apply Online at BEL website from 25/04/2012 to 10/05/2012 only.

Please visit  for more information and online submission application form from 25/04/2012 onwards.


Clerical cadre jobs in Punjab Sind Bank May-2012

Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB)
(A Government of India undertaking)
Head Office : “Bank House”, 21 Rajendra Place, New Delhi- 110125

Recruitment of Single Window Operators –“A” (in Clerical Cadre) 2012-13

Punjab & Sind Bank invites applications for Single Window Operators –“A” in Clerical cadre, from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination (CWE) for Clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in 2011 and have a valid Score card issued by IBPS  :
  •  Single Window Operators –“A” in Clerical cadre : 800 posts (SC-178, ST-32, OBC-178, UR-412) (PH-59, Ex.SM-78), Pay Scale : Rs. 7200-1930, Age : 18-28 years as on 01/08/2012
Application Fee : Rs.00/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH)  to be deposited in CBS Branches of Punjab & Sind Bank, by means of a Payment challan OR through NEFT at any other Bank’s branch

How to Apply : Apply online at PSB website only from 02/05/2012 to 18/05/2012.  

Please visit  for details and online submission  of application. 


Punjab Sind Bank Probationary Officer vacancy April-2012

Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB)
(A Government of India undertaking)
Head Office : “Bank House”, 21 Rajendra Place, New Delhi- 110125

Recruitment of Probationary Officers - 2012-13 

Punjab & Sind Bank invites Online applications for the post of Probationary Officers from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination (CWE) for Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees conducted by IBPS in 2011 and have a valid Score card issued by IBPS & who meet the eligibility criteria  :
  •  Probationary Officers : 900 posts (SC-123, ST-139, OBC-222, UR-416) (PH-38), Pay Scale : Rs. 14500 - 25700, Age : 21-30 years as on 01/07/2012, Qualification : Graduation with 55% marks (50% for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates), Candidates should have valid IBPS Score in each test and/ in aggregate in the Common Written Examination conducted for Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees in 2011.
Application Fee : Rs.00/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH)  to be deposited in CBS Branches of Punjab & Sind Bank, by means of a Payment challan OR through NEFT at any other Bank’s branch

How to Apply : Apply online at PSB website only from 24/04/2012 to 10/05/2012.  

Please visit  for details and online submission  of application. 
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