www.ucobank.com UCO Bank Clerk Recruitment – UCO Bank Clerk Recruitment 2012 for 1000 Clerks at www.ucobank.com for www.ucobank.com Clerk Recruitment

UCO Bank released a recruitment notification for Clerk by www.ucobank.com, Head Office, Human Recourse Management Department, 10, B. T. M. Sarani, Kolkata – 700001 under advertisement number Clerk Project 1-2012. www.ucobank.com Clerk recruitment 2012 is notified for eligible Indian citizen who have taken CWE Clerk 2011 and hold a valid IBPS Clerk scorecard.

UCO Bank Clerk Recruitment 2012 Important Dates:

  • UCO Bank Clerk Recruitment Application Fee Payment: 16th May to 2nd June, 2012
  • Opening Date of UCO Bank Clerk Online Application: 16th May, 2012
  • Closing Date of UCO Bank Clerk Online Form: 2nd June, 2012
  • Eligibility Criteria (Age/Qualification/Experience) as on: 1st August, 2011

www.ucobank.com Clerk Recruitment 2012 Details:

State/UT – Total Vacancies

  1. Assam – 58
  2. Andhra Pradesh – 31
  3. Arunachal Pradesh – 21
  4. Bihar – 89
  5. Chattisgarh – 25
  6. Gujarat – 20
  7. Haryana – 82
  8. Himachal Pradesh – 39
  9. Jammu & Kashmir – 4
  10. Jharkhand – 19
  11. Karnataka – 2
  12. Kerala – 26
  13. Madhya Pradesh – 72
  14. Maharashtra – 44
  15. Manipur – 2
  16. Nagaland – 1
  17. New Delhi – 27
  18. Odisha – 104
  19. Punjab – 41
  20. Rajasthan – 96
  21. Sikkim – 8
  22. Tamil Nadu – 27
  23. Tripura – 4
  24. Uttarakhand – 40
  25. Uttar Pradesh – 86
  26. West Bengal – 32

There are total 1000 vacancies in UCO Bank for Clerical Cadre under www.ucobank.com Clerk recruitment 2012.

UCO Bank Clerk Cut Off Marks:

State-wise and category-wise total cut off marks details are mentioned below for www.ucobank.com Clerk recruitment:

UCO-Bank-Clerk-Cut-Off “-“denotes no vacancy

UCO Bank Clerk 2012 Elgibility Criteria:

Age Limit: minimum age should be 18 years and maximum 28 years as on 1st August, 2012 to apply for www.ucobank.com Clerk recruitment 2012.

Educational Qualification: candidates must have a degree in any discipline from a recognized university or 12th with at least 50% or 10th with at least 60% to apply for UCO Bank Clerk recruitment 2012.

Essential Qualification: candidates have a valid IBPS Clerk result. Knowledge in computer is also essential. Proficiency in local language of the State which he/she apply is required.

How to Apply:

Eligible candidates are required to visit: www.ucobank.com and apply in the prescribed format during the given period.

UCO Bank Clerk Recruitment Application Fee:

Candidates have to pay Rs. 100 (Rs. 20 for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM) to apply for www.ucobank.com Clerk recruitment 2012. They have to download Challan Form and make payment of application fee.

UCO Bank Clerk Online Application Form:

Candidates have to visit: www.ucobank.com and download Challan Form accessing: “UCO Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment Project-2012” and fill it in block letter taking a print out. Go to the nearest branch of UCO Bank and deposit the requisite application fee.

Now, visit: www.ucobank.com again and click over “Online Application for UCO Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment Project-2012” to open the Application Form.

Now, fill UCO Bank Clerk Online Form in the prescribed format. Candidates have to fill all the field of UCO Bank Clerk Online Application appropriately.

UCO Bank Clerk Call Letter 2012:

Eligible candidates can download UCO Bank Clerk call letter 2012 from: www.ucobank.com to attend personal interview.

UCO Bank Clerk Recruitment Method:

There will be an interview of total 75 marks for the shortlisted candidates on the basis of CWE Clerk scorecard issued by IBPS. Candidates have to secure minimum 40% marks (30% marks for SC/ST/OBC/EXS/PWD) to qualify in the interview.

www.ucobank.com Clerk Interview Centre:

  1. Ahmedabad
  2. Bangalore
  3. Bhopal
  4. Bhubaneswar
  5. Chandigarh
  6. Chennai
  7. Ernakulam
  8. Guwahati
  9. Hyderabad
  10. Kolkata
  11. Jaipur
  12. Lucknow
  13. Meerut
  14. Mumbai
  15. Nagpur
  16. New Delhi
  17. Patna
  18. Raipur
  19. Ranchi
  20. Shimla

UCO Bank Clerk recruitment 2012 notification is released on 10th May, 2012. It can be read at: http://recruitment.ucobank.com/recruitment_dt-10-5-12_no-12-5-12.doc for more information about how to apply, application fee, eligibility criteria, cut off marks, scorecard, interview, interview centre, online form, important dates, general instructions etc.

www.ucobank.com Clerk recruitment 2012 is updated by www.recruitment.ucobank.com online. Now, you may apply for www.ucobank.com Clerk recruitment 2012 for 1000 Clerks in Clerical Cadre. You may apply for www.centralbankofindia.co.in PO recruitment 2012 also.
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