Showing posts with label General Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Knowledge. Show all posts

General Knowledge of inda-1

1. राजस्थान का राज्य खेल है।

- बास्केटबॉल

2. पहली राजस्थानी फिल्म कौनसी है।

- नजरानो

3. राजस्थान में प्रथम परमवीर चक्र किसे दिया गया।

- हवलदार मेजर पीरू सिंह (1948, झुंझुनूं)

4. एशिया का सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुलिस स्टेशन चुना गया।

- जयपुर का विधायकपुरी

5. सीबीएसई का मुख्यालय कहां है।

- नई दिल्ली में

6. राज्य सभा के सदस्यों का कार्यकाल होता है।

- छह वर्ष

7. आनंदमठ के रचयिता हैं।

- बंकिम चंद्र

8. महानरेगा के वर्ष 2009-10 के राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कारों में राजस्थान की किन दो पंचायतों का चयन किया गया है।

- भीलवाड़ा जिले की आसींद पंचायत समिति की रामपुरा व बांसवाड़ा जिले के कुशलगढ़ पंचायत समिति की बड़वास छोटी ग्राम पंचायत

9. सलेमाबाद में किस संप्रदाय की प्रधान पीठ है।

- निम्बार्क

10. भारत में सबसे पुरानी तेल रिफाइनरी कहां स्थित है।

- असम

11. मिस्र में नील नदी पर कौनसा बांध है।

- आसवान

12. नेशनल इंडियन मिल्रिटी कॉलेज स्थित है।

- देहरादून

13. बाबरनामा किस भाषा में लिखा गया।

- तुर्की

14. हम्मीर महाकाव्य के रचयिता हैं।

- नयनचंद्र सूरि

15. राष्ट्रीय अनुसूचित जाति आयोग के अध्यक्ष हैं।

-पीएल पूनियां

16. राजस्थान के हरमाड़ा क्षेत्र की किस महिला को कल्पना चावला अवार्ड दिया गया।

- सरपंच नौरती देवी को

17. राजस्थान में पहली विधान सभा के अध्यक्ष कौन थे।

- नरोत्तमलाल जोशी (झुंझुनूं से निर्वाचित)

18. पाकिस्तान का राष्ट्रीय खेल कौनसा है।

- हॉकी

19. भारत में पहला नोबल पुरस्कार किसे मिले।

- रविंद्रनाथ टैगोर को

20. सर्वप्रथम लोकायुक्त संस्था की स्थापना किस प्रदेश ने की।

- महाराष्ट्र 

General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012, General Knowledge
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General Knowledge Today, gk india, current gk 2012

1. भारत में पहली मेट्रो ट्रेन शुरू हुई।

-कोलकाता,1984 में

2. दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा ज्वालामुखी कहां है।

-अमेरिका के यनोस्टोन प्रांत के नेशनल पार्क में

3. पहली बार रेडियो कार्यक्रम किसके द्वारा प्रस्तुत किया गया।

- 1923 में बॉम्बे के रेडियो क्लब द्वारा

4. सद्दाम हुसैन द्वारा लिखा गया प्रेम कथा आधारित उपन्यास है।

- जबीबा एंड द किंग

5. लेनिन का शव 86 साल से कहां सुरक्षित है।

-मॉस्को के म्यूजियम में

6. वर्ष 2011 में ग्रैंड स्लेम टेनिस टूर्नामेंट ऑस्ट्रेलियन ओपन जीता है।

-बेल्जियम की किम क्लाइस्टर्स

7. राजस्थान में लागू की गई सबला योजना किससे संबंधित है।

- बालिका सशक्तिकरण से

8. राजस्थान की भाषा के लिए राजस्थानी शब्द का प्रयोग सर्वप्रथम किसने किया।

- जार्ज अब्राहम ग्रियर्सन

9. वर्ष 2011 फिल्म फेयर अवार्ड के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेता व अभिनेत्री घोषित किया गया है।

- शाहरुख खान व काजोल

10. भारतीय संविधान में कुल अनुच्छेद हैं।

- 395

11. शेखावाटी के गांधी किसे कहा जाता है।

- बद्रीनारायण सोढाणी को

12. लीलटांस पुरस्तक के रचयिता हैं।

- कन्हैया लाल सेठिया

13. ऊंट श्रंगार का वर्णन किस गीत में किया जाता है।

- गोरबंद

14. राजस्थान का खजुराहो कहा जाता है।

- किराडू का मंदिर (बाडमेर)

15. राजस्थान का राज्य नृत्य कौनसा है।

- घूमर

16. राष्ट्रपति अपना त्याग पत्र किसे सौंपते हैं।

- उपराष्ट्रपति को

17. राज्य सभा का पदेन सभापति कौन होता है।

- उपराष्ट्रपति

18. वर्तमान में भारत के नागरिकों को कितने मौलिक अधिकार हैं।


19. दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा रेल जंक्शन कहां है।

- शिकागो

20. करमा कग्यू बौद्ध पंथ के मुखिया व सत्रहवें करमापा कौन हैं।

- उग्येन त्रिनले दोरजे

 General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012
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General Knowledge Today, gk india, current gk 2012

1. राजस्थान का राज्य खेल है।

- बास्केटबॉल

2. पहली राजस्थानी फिल्म कौनसी है।

- नजरानो

3. राजस्थान में प्रथम परमवीर चक्र किसे दिया गया।

- हवलदार मेजर पीरू सिंह (1948, झुंझुनूं)

4. एशिया का सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुलिस स्टेशन चुना गया।

- जयपुर का विधायकपुरी

5. सीबीएसई का मुख्यालय कहां है।

- नई दिल्ली में

6. राज्य सभा के सदस्यों का कार्यकाल होता है।

- छह वर्ष

7. आनंदमठ के रचयिता हैं।

- बंकिम चंद्र

8. महानरेगा के वर्ष 2009-10 के राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कारों में राजस्थान की किन दो पंचायतों का चयन किया गया है।

- भीलवाड़ा जिले की आसींद पंचायत समिति की रामपुरा व बांसवाड़ा जिले के कुशलगढ़ पंचायत समिति की बड़वास छोटी ग्राम पंचायत

9. सलेमाबाद में किस संप्रदाय की प्रधान पीठ है।

- निम्बार्क

10. भारत में सबसे पुरानी तेल रिफाइनरी कहां स्थित है।

- असम

11. मिस्र में नील नदी पर कौनसा बांध है।

- आसवान

12. नेशनल इंडियन मिल्रिटी कॉलेज स्थित है।

- देहरादून

13. बाबरनामा किस भाषा में लिखा गया।

- तुर्की

14. हम्मीर महाकाव्य के रचयिता हैं।

- नयनचंद्र सूरि

15. राष्ट्रीय अनुसूचित जाति आयोग के अध्यक्ष हैं।

-पीएल पूनियां

16. राजस्थान के हरमाड़ा क्षेत्र की किस महिला को कल्पना चावला अवार्ड दिया गया।

- सरपंच नौरती देवी को

17. राजस्थान में पहली विधान सभा के अध्यक्ष कौन थे।

- नरोत्तमलाल जोशी (झुंझुनूं से निर्वाचित)

18. पाकिस्तान का राष्ट्रीय खेल कौनसा है।

- हॉकी

19. भारत में पहला नोबल पुरस्कार किसे मिले।

- रविंद्रनाथ टैगोर को

20. सर्वप्रथम लोकायुक्त संस्था की स्थापना किस प्रदेश ने की।

- महाराष्ट्र

General Knowledge Quiz 2012, 2012 General Knowledge Quiz, Current Events 2012, Latest Current Affairs 2012, General Awareness 2012, General Knowledge 2012, Current Gk 2012
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General Knowledge Quiz

1) Who won the Football World Cup in 1982?
d) Italy
2) Which country is known as Suomi?
b) Finland
3) Who was the Roman Emperor in 41-54 AD?
c) Claudius
4) Who won Wimbledon Women’s Singles Championship in 1988?
d) Steffi Graf
5) Who is the author of Pride and Prejudice?
a) Jane Austen
6) In the Bible, who is the eldest son of David?
c) Amnon
7) In which film it is said, “Some dreams come true. Some don’t. Keep on dreaming.”?
b) Pretty Woman
8) Who is considered the father of geometry?
d) Euclid
9) Which country was known as Nyasaland?
b) Malawi
10) Which sea separates Egypt from Saudi Arabia?
c) Red Sea
11) Which country has 11 official languages?
d) South Africa
12) Which pope divided the world between Portugal and Spain?
c) Alexander VI
13) How many lines are in a limerick?
a) Five
14) The flag of which country has one big star and four small stars?
b) China
15) Which is the national animal of Argentina?
a) Puma
16) Who won seven gold medals in swimming in 1972 Munich Olympics?
a) Mark Spitz
17) What is sodium chloride?
c) Salt
18) Who is the patron saint of music?
b) St. Cecilia
19) What is the meaning of Anno Domini?
a) Year of the Lord
20) In the Bible, Joseph was sold by his brothers for how many silver coins?
c) Twenty
21) How many furlongs is one mile?
b) Eight
22) Who is the founder of Sikhism?
c) Guru Nanak
23) When is the Feast Day of St. Francis Xavier?
d) December 3
24) Which river joins Ganga at Allahabad?
b) Yamuna
25) Who was the Carthagian general during Punic War II?
a) Hannibal
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General knowledge of india - 21

1. PIN code started in India in the year…. a. 1962
b. 1964
c. 1968
d. 1972

2. You would associate the establishment of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) with.
a. Subramaniam Bharti
b. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
c. Jawaharlal Nehru
d. Gobind Vallabh Pant

3. Who presides the Lok Sabha?
a. Prime Minister
b. President
c. Vice President
d. Speaker

4. Who discovered Aspirin?
a. Alexander Fleming
b. Felix Hoffmann
c. Robert Koch
d. Joseph Lister

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the sacred texts of Buddhism called Tripitakas?
a. Suttapitaka
b. Vinayapitaka
c. Dharmapitaka
d. Gyanapitaka

6. Which of the following Indian states has the lowest sex ratio {number of females per thousand males}?
a. West Bengal
b. Haryana
c. Punjab
d. Uttar Pradesh

7. Which of the following is the oldest printed book of the world?
a. The Gutenberg Bible
b. Hiraka Sutra
c. Les Hommes de bonne Volante
d. Old King Cole

8. This personality was the first Indian to receive the Magsaysay Award in the year 1958. Can you name him from the given options?
a. CD Deshmukh
b. Mother Teresa
c. Acharya Binoba Bhave
d. Jaya Prakash Narayan

9. Who is known as the father of Geometry?
a. Pythagoras
b. Euclid
c. Euler
d. None of these

10. Rovers cup is associated with …
a. Hockey
b. Football
c. Cricket
d. Golf

11. This Indian state is the least densely populated state. Name it from the given options.
a. Sikkim
b. Arunachal Pradesh
c. Assam
d. Manipur

12. What is the approximate age of the earth?
a. 3.8 billion years
b. 4.2 billion years
c. 4.6 billion years
d. 4.8 billion years

13. Which Indian state was the first one to implement the Panchayati Raj in the whole state?
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Bihar
c. Rajasthan
d. Gujarat

14. This personality is NOT the winner of Nobel Prize.
a. Kofi Annanb
b. Mother Teresac
c. VS Naipaul
d. Richard Nixon

15. The largest state of India (in terms of area) is…
a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Rajasthan
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Maharashtra

16. The line of equator does no pass through…
a. Kenya
b. Somalia
c. Uganda
d. Egypt

17. National Institute of Oceanography is based in …
a. Mumbai
b. Chennai
c. Panaji
d. Kochi

18. Poverty and Un-British Rule in India is a famous work of …
a. Dada Bhai Naoroji
b. Mahatma Gandhi
c. AO Hume
d. BG Tilak

19. The first ancient Olympic games took place in the year
a. 476 BC
b. 576 BC
c. 676 BC
d. 776 BC

20. When one crosses the International Date Line from west to east, then the date is said to be set back by…
a. one hour
b. twelve hours
c. one day
d. None of these

21. Equinoxes occur when
a. the days are longer than the nights
b. the nights are longer than the days
c. the nights and days are equal in length
d. the difference between the length of nights and days is the highest

22. Which of the following is NOT a permanent member of United Nation’s Security Council?
a. Russia
b. China
c. France
d. Germany

23. You would associate the theory of ‘Laissez Faire’ with …
a. JK Galbraith
b. JM Keynes
c. Adam Smith
d. David Ricardo

24. Wealth of Nations is authored by….
a. Adam Smith
b. JK Galbraith
c. JM Keynes
d. None of these

25. This personality is considered, as the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi. Can you identify him from the given options?
a. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
c. Dadabhai Naoroji
d. Mahadev Gobind Ranande

1.- d. 1972
2.-b. Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
3. d. Speaker
4. b. Felix Hoffman
5. d. Gyanapitaka
6. b. Haryana
7. b. Hiraka Sutra
8. c. Acharya Binoba Bhave
9. b. Euclid
10. b. Football
11. b. Arunachal Pradesh
12. c. 4.6 billion years
13. c. Rajasthan
14. d. Richard Nixon
15. b. Rajasthan
16. d. Egypt
17. c. Panaji
18. a. Dada Bhai Naoroji
19. d. 776 BC
20. c. one day
21. c. the nights and days are equal in length
22. d. Germany
23. c. Adam Smith
24. a. Adam Smith
25. b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
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General knowledge of india - 20

General Knowledge


What is the popular name of Sodium Chloride ?
(A) Epsom Salt
(B) Common Salt
(C) Baking Soda
(D) Washing Soda


'Satyameva Jayate', the national motto of India, has been teken from which Upanishad ?
(A) Kena
(B) Katha
(C) Mundaka
(D) Aitareya


On the banks of which river is the city of Jammu, the winter capital of Jammu & Kashmir, situated ?
(A) Ravi
(B) Tawi
(C) Tapti
(D) Gomti


How do we better know social activist Murlidhar Devidas, the founder of leprosy rehabilitation center 'Anandvan' in Maharashtra ?
(A) Baba Amte
(B) Vinoba Bhave
(C) Swami Ramdev
(D) Swami Agnivesh


Which passenger train service connects Kolkata (India) with Dhaka (Bangladesh) ?
(A) Thar Express
(B) Samjhauta Express
(C) Maitreyi Express
(D) Himsagar Express


To the Greeks, which Maurya ruler was known as 'Sandrokottos' ?
(A) Bindusara
(B) Ashok the Great
(C) Chandragupta Maurya
(D) Dasaratha Maurya


In 1998, which internet search engine company was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin ?
(A) Google
(B) Alta Vista
(C) Yahoo
(D) Lycos


'By God's Decree', 'Cricket my style' and 'Straight from the Heart' are the autobiographies of which Indian cricketer ?
(A) Sunil Gavaskar
(B) Ajit Wadekar
(C) Sandeep Patil
(D) Kapil Dev


On 21st July 1969, at which site did Neil Armstrong set his foot on the Moon ?
(A) Sea of Waves
(B) Sea of Clouds
(C) Sea of Serenity
(D) Sea of Tranquility


Due to its ability to dissolve glass, which acid is not kept in glass container ?
(A) Nitric Acid
(B) Sulphuric Acid
(C) Hydrochloric Acid
(D) Hydrofluoric Acid

Answers :

Q1.    (B) Common Salt
Q2.    (C) Mundaka
Q3.    (B) Tawi
Q4.    (A) Baba Amte
Q5.    (C) Maitreyi Express
Q6.    (C) Chandragupta Maurya
Q7.    (A) Google
Q8.    (D) Kapil Dev
Q9.    (D) Sea of Tranquility
Q10.   (D) Hydrofluoric Acid
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General knowledge of india - 19

General Knowledge


Which state is known as the 'Spice Garden of India' ?
(A) Kerala
(B) Karnataka
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Tamil Nadu


Which Marathi newspaper is the mouthpiece of Shiv Sena ?
(A) Saamna
(B) Sakal
(C) Lokmat
(D) Loksatta


Constituting about 78% by volume, which is the most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere ?
(A) Argon
(B) Oxygen
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Carbon dioxide


Koyna Hydroelectric Power Project constructed over Koyna river, a tributary of Krishna river, is located in which state ?
(A) Karnataka
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Madhya Pradesh


For Lok Sabha, how many members from the Anglo-Indian community are nominated by the President of India ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4


The Grand Trunk Road (GT Road), running from Peshawar in Pakistan to Sonargaon in Bangladesh, was built by which ruler ?
(A) Babur
(B) Akbar
(C) Sher Shah Suri
(D) Humayun


Which American swimmer created history by winning 8 gold medals in Beijing Olympic 2008, the most gold medals by an individual at a single Olympic ?
(A) Carl Lewis
(B) Paavo Nurmi
(C) Mark Spitz
(D) Michael Phelps


Which Muslim social reformer founded the Aligarh Muslim University, originally known as Mohammeden Anglo-Oriental College, in 1875 ?
(A) Zakir Hussain
(B) Hakim Ajmal Khan
(C) Syed Ahmed Khan
(D) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad


Which chennai born writer won the Booker Prize 2008 for his debut novel 'The White Tiger' ?
(A) V.S.Naipaul
(B) Amitav Ghosh
(C) Salman Rushdie
(D) Aravind Adiga


'Fight the guerrilla as a guerrilla' is the motto of which miltary academy ?
(A) National Defence Academy
(B) Indian Military Academy
(C) Defence Services Staff College
(D) Counterinsurgency & Jungle Warfare School

Answers :

Q1.    (A) Kerala
Q2.    (A) Saamna
Q3.    (C) Nitrogen
Q4.    (B) Maharashtra
Q5.    (B) 2
Q6.    (C) Sher Shah Suri
Q7.    (D) Michael Phelps
Q8.    (C) Syed Ahmed Khan
Q9.    (D) Aravind Adiga
Q10.   (D) Counterinsurgency & Jungle Warfare School
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General knowledge of india - 17

General Knowledge


For which domestic Cricket trophy, the Ranji Trophy champions play against the Rest of India team ?
(A) Irani Trophy
(B) Duleep Trophy
(C) Deodhar Trophy
(D) Nissar Trophy


Which garden near Chandigarh was built by Aurangzeb's foster brother Fidai Khan ?
(A) Shalimar Gardens
(B) Nishat Gardens
(C) Brindavan Gardens
(D) Pinjore Gardens


Who was the first education minister of independent India ?
(A) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(B) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
(C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(D) Vallabhbhai Patel


Which city houses the headquarters of United Nations (UN) ?
(A) Vienna (Austria)
(B) Geneva (Switzerland)
(C) New York (USA)
(D) Washington (USA)


Which among the following is the measuring unit of electric current ?
(A) Ohm
(B) Volt
(C) Watt
(D) Ampere


Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia, the largest Hindu temple in the world, is dedicated to which God ?
(A) Surya
(B) Shiva
(C) Vishnu
(D) Brahma


Where is the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, the launching site of the Chandrayaan-I, located ?
(A) Thumba (Kerala)
(B) Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh)
(C) Bangalore (Karnataka)
(D) Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala)


Which African country was formerly known as 'Nyasaland' ?
(A) Malawi
(B) Ghana
(C) Botswana
(D) Tanzania


'Long Walk To Freedom' is the autobiography of which Bharat Ratna recipient ?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) S.Radhakrishnan
(C) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(D) Nelson Mandela


Which island nation, in the Indian Ocean, is the world's largest producer and exporter of Vanilla ?
(A) Maldives
(B) Madagascar
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) Mauritius

Answers :

Q1.    (A) Irani Trophy
Q2.    (D) Pinjore Gardens
Q3.    (C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Q4.    (C) New York (USA)
Q5.    (D) Ampere
Q6.    (C) Vishnu
Q7.    (B) Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh)
Q8.    (A) Malawi
Q9.    (D) Nelson Mandela
Q10.   (B) Madagascar
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General knowledge of india - 18

General Knowledge


Who was the first Indian woman to win Miss Asia Pacific title in 1970 ?
(A) Rita Faria
(B) Zeenat Aman
(C) Tara Anne Fonseca
(D) Diya Mirza


Who wrote India's natinal song the 'Vande Mataram', which first appeared in the book 'Anandmath' ?
(A) Rabindranath Tagore
(B) Bankimchandra Chatterjee
(C) Mohammed Iqbal
(D) Kavi Pradeep


How many times Equinox, when Sun is vertically above the Earth's equator and the day & night are equally long, occurs in a year ?
(A) Two
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Not fixed


After attaining enlightenment, where did Gautama Buddha deliver his first sermon 'Dharamachakra Pravartan' (set in motion Wheel of Law) ?
(A) Bodh Gaya (Bihar)
(B) Sarnath (U.P.)
(C) Kushinagar (U.P.)
(D) Sanchi (M.P.)


Which Asian country is known as the 'Land of the White Elephants' ?
(A) Thailand
(B) Indonesia
(C) Malaysia
(D) Singapore


Who is the first chief of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), set up recently to investigate terror-related cases across the country ?
(A) K.C.Verma
(B) N.P.S.Aulakh
(C) Radha Vinod Raju
(D) Ashwani Kumar


Who invented Smallpox Vaccine ?
(A) Jonas Salk
(B) Frederick Banting
(C) Edward Jenner
(D) Louis Pasteur


Which freedom fighter authored 'Gita Rahasya', a commentary on Bhagvad Gita, during his imprisonment at Mandalay in Myanmar ?
(A) Vinoba Bhave
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) C.Rajagopalachari
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak


Considered as the symbol of peace, two branches of which tree are depicted on the United Nations (UN) flag ?
(A) Neem
(B) Mango
(C) Olive
(D) Eucalyptus


Which city is served by the Veer Savarkar Airport ?
(A) Nasik
(B) Nagpur
(C) Mumbai
(D) Port Blair

Answers :

Q1.    (B) Zeenat Aman
Q2.    (B) Bankimchandra Chatterjee
Q3.    (A) Two
Q4.    (B) Sarnath (U.P.)
Q5.    (A) Thailand
Q6.    (C) Radha Vinod Raju
Q7.    (C) Edward Jenner
Q8.    (D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Q9.    (C) Olive
Q10.   (D) Port Blair
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General knowledge of india - 16

General Knowledge


Gol Ghar, a beehive shaped structure built in 1786 to store grains for the British Army, is located in which city ?
(A) Meerut
(B) Chennai
(C) Kolkata
(D) Patna


In humans, which dark brown pigment is responsible for the skin colour ?
(A) Melanin
(B) Bilirubin
(C) Carotene
(D) Hemoglobin


Who wrote the famous novel 'Devdas' ?
(A) Rabindranath Tagore
(B) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
(C) Sharat Chandra Chatterjee
(D) Bibhuti Bhushan Bandopadhyay


Which freedom fighter was popularly known as 'Lokpriya' ?
(A) Gopinath Bordoloi
(B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(C) Chittaranjan Das
(D) Jayaprakash Narain


Which battle lead to the disintegration of Vijayanagar empire of south India ?
(A) Battle of Plassey (1757)
(B) Battle of Buxar (1764)
(C) Battle of Talikota (1565)
(D) Battle of Seringapatam (1799)


In which city is the Indian Institute of Pulses Research located ?
(A) Lucknow
(B) Nagpur
(C) Indore
(D) Kanpur


Pinaka, the multi barrel rocket launcher produced in India, is named after which Hindu God's bow ?
(A) Indra
(B) Shiva
(C) Vishnu
(D) Brahma


Which scale is used to measure the Acid or Alkali (Base) content of a substance ?
(A) Mohs scale
(B) Beaufort scale
(C) Richter scale
(D) pH scale


Which disease, named after a Japanese city where it was first observed, is caused by severe Mercury poisoning ?
(A) Argyria
(B) Minamata
(C) Itai-itai
(D) Devon colic


Who was the first Indian to be elected a Fellow of Royal Society (FRS) ?
(A) Srinivasa Ramanujan
(B) Ardaseer Cursetjee Wadia
(C) Jagadish Chandra Bose
(D) Meghnad Saha

Answers :

Q1.    (D) Patna
Q2.    (A) Melanin
Q3.    (C) Sharat Chandra Chatterjee
Q4.    (A) Gopinath Bordoloi
Q5.    (C) Battle of Talikota (1565)
Q6.    (D) Kanpur
Q7.    (B) Shiva
Q8.    (D) pH scale
Q9.    (B) Minamata
Q10.   (B) Ardaseer Cursetjee Wadia
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General knowledge of india - 15

General Knowledge


In which sport, each team consists of four male and four female players ?
(A) Baseball
(B) Volleyball
(C) Korfball
(D) Hockey


What is the term of a member of Rajya Sabha ?
(A) 3 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 6 years


In which state is the Kanchenjunga, the second highest mountain peak in India, located ?
(A) Sikkim
(B) Jammu & Kashmir
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Uttarakhand


What does the Pisciculture refers to ?
(A) Beekeeping
(B) Fish Farming
(C) Silk Farming
(D) Dairy Farming


In 1906, at the founding session of all India Muslim League in Dhaka, who became the first president of the party ?
(A) Mohammed Ali Jinnah
(B) Syed Ahmed Khan
(C) Mohammed Iqbal
(D) Nawab Salimullah Khan


Which is the longest National Highways in India ?
(A) Kolkata - Hazira (NH6)
(B) Chennai - Baharagora (NH5)
(C) Varanasi - Kanyakumari (NH7)
(D) Pathankot - Samakhiali (NH15)


How do we better know nineteenth century spiritual guru Gadadhar Chatterjee ?
(A) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
(B) Ramakrishna Paramhans
(C) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(D) Swami Vivekanand


Stapes, the smallest and the lightest bone in human body, is the part of which organ ?
(A) Ear
(B) Hand
(C) Foot
(D) Lungs


Which mineral is mined at Jayamkondam in Tamil Nadu ?
(A) Zinc
(B) Lignite
(C) Copper
(D) Gold


Who authored the book 'A Brief History of Time' ?
(A) Jack Welch
(B) Bill Gates
(C) Deepak Chopra
(D) Stephan Hawking

Answers :

Q1.    (C) Korfball
Q2.    (D) 6 years
Q3.    (A) Sikkim
Q4.    (B) Fish Farming
Q5.    (D) Nawab Salimullah Khan
Q6.    (C) Varanasi - Kanyakumari (NH7)
Q7.    (B) Ramakrishna Paramhans
Q8.    (A) Ear
Q9.    (B) Lignite
Q10.   (D) Stephan Hawking
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General knowledge of india - 13

General Knowledge


Designed by Bengali architect Vidhyadhar Bhattacharya, which city is known as 'Pink City' ?
(A) Jaipur
(B) Jodhpur
(C) Bengaluru
(D) Chandigarh


Which metal is used to make electric bulb filaments ?
(A) Copper
(B) Silver
(C) Tungsten
(D) Aluminium


Who was the first Viceroy of India ?
(A) Lord Mayo
(B) Lord Dalhousie
(C) Lord Canning
(D) Lord Curzon


In terms of both area and population, which is the smallest country in the world ?
(A) Nauru
(B) Monaco
(C) Tuvalu
(D) Vatican City


Which portfolio did Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, the first woman cabinet minister in India, hold in the independent India's first cabinet ?
(A) Labour
(B) Health
(C) Education
(D) Railways


Palghat Gap, about 20 miles wide mountain pass between the Nilgiri Hills and the Anaimalai Hills, connects Kerala to which state ?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Karnataka
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Andhra Pradesh


Named after the mount of Hindu god Vishnu, 'Garuda' is the national airline of which most Muslim populous country ?
(A) Nigeria
(B) Pakistan
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Indonesia


At which town in Andhra Pradesh, famous for silk sarees, did Vinoba Bhave start the Bhoodan Movement in 1951 ?
(A) Vijayawada
(B) Rajahmundry
(C) Pochampally
(D) Warangal


'Daughter of the East' book is the autobiography of which Asian woman leader ?
(A) Indira Gandhi
(B) Benazir Bhutto
(C) Aung San Suu Kyi
(D) Maghawati Sukarnoputri


Which country was formerly known as 'Upper Volta' ?
(A) Namibia
(B) Ethiopia
(C) Botswana
(D) Burkina Faso

Answers :

Q1.    (A) Jaipur
Q2.    (C) Tungsten
Q3.    (C) Lord Canning
Q4.    (D) Vatican City
Q5.    (B) Health
Q6.    (A) Tamil Nadu
Q7.    (D) Indonesia
Q8.    (C) Pochampally
Q9.    (B) Benazir Bhutto
Q10.  (D) Burkina Faso
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General knowledge of india - 14

General Knowledge 


When do we celebrate the Engineers Day of India, the birthday of Bharat Ratna recipient M.Visvesarayya ?
(A) 15 January
(B) 28 February
(C) 29 August
(D) 15 September


'Muga', 'Eri', 'Tussar' and 'Mulberry' are the varieties of which natural fibre ?
(A) Wool
(B) Silk
(C) Jute
(D) Cotton


In which pilgrimage city of India would you come across the world's longest corridor ?
(A) Dwarka
(B) Varanasi
(C) Rameshwaram
(D) Tirupati


In 1929, who founded non-violent movement 'Khudai Khidmatgar', also known as 'Red Shirts' ?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Gopal Krishan Gokhle
(C) Mohammed Ali Jinnah
(D) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan


Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education is located in which city ?
(A) Jhansi
(B) Gwalior
(C) Patiala
(D) Nagpur


Athlete's Foot, an infectious disease, is caused by which agent ?
(A) Virus
(B) Fungi
(C) Bacteria
(D) Protozoa


Who authored the book 'Hindu View of Life ?
(A) S.Radhakrishnan
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) C.Rajagopalachari
(D) Mahatma Gandhi


Solid form of which gas is commonly known as 'Dry Ice' ?
(A) Oxygen
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Carbon dioxide
(D) Hydrogen


Who was the first woman president in the world ?
(A) Golda Meir
(B) Indira Gandhi
(C) Sirimavo Bhandarnaike
(D) Maria Isbel Paron


Who created the first Portable Computer ?
(A) Adam Osborne
(B) Charles Babbage
(C) Steve Jobs
(D) Tim Berners-Lee

Answers :

Q1.    (D) 15 September
Q2.    (B) Silk
Q3.    (C) Rameshwaram
Q4.    (D) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Q5.    (B) Gwalior
Q6.    (B) Fungi
Q7.    (A) S.Radhakrishnan
Q8.    (C) Carbon dioxide
Q9.    (D) Maria Isbel Paron
Q10.   (A) Adam Osborne
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General knowledge of india - 12

General Knowledge


Which former Prime Minister of India was also called 'Yuva Turk' ?
(A) Rajiv Gandhi
(B) V.P.Singh
(C) H.D.Deve Gowda
(D) Chandrashekhar


Which mineral is used to make the Plaster of Paris ?
(A) Gypsum
(B) Calcite
(C) Fluorite
(D) Apatite


Which is the most spoken language in the world ?
(A) English
(B) Mandarin
(C) Spanish
(D) Hindi


Which planet in the Solar System is named after the Roman god of agriculture and harvest ?
(A) Mars
(B) Jupiter
(C) Saturn
(D) Venus


From the Constitution of which country was the concept of the Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution borrowed ?
(A) Australia
(B) South Africa
(C) United Kingdom
(D) United States of America


To which ocean does Panama Canal connect the Pacific Ocean ?
(A) Arctic Ocean
(B) Antarctic Ocean
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Indian Ocean


By what name is Krishna Dvaipayana, author of the epic Mahabharat, better known ?
(A) Ved Vyas
(B) Valmiki
(C) Tulsidas
(D) Ramanujacharya


In which city is the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) located ?
(A) Nagpur
(B) Lucknow
(C) Shimla
(D) Cuttack


'Bhutia', 'Kathiawadi', 'Marwari', 'Manipuri', 'Spiti' and 'Zanskari' are the Indian breeds of which animal ?
(A) Cow
(B) Horse
(C) Camel
(D) Goat


Who introduced the word 'Robot', for artificial workers, in his science fiction play R.U.R. in 1921 ?
(A) George Orwell
(B) Karel Capek
(C) Daniel Defoe
(D) Rudyard Kipling

Answers :

Q1.    (D) Chandrashekhar
Q2.    (A) Gypsum
Q3.    (B) Mandarin
Q4.    (C) Saturn
Q5.    (D) United States of America
Q6.    (C) Atlantic Ocean
Q7.    (A) Ved Vyas
Q8.    (C) Shimla
Q9.    (B) Horse
Q10.  (B) Karel Capek
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General knowledge of india - 11

General Knowledge


In the most popular internet domain name '.com' (dot-com), the 'com' is the short form for which word ?
(A) Common
(B) Commercial
(C) Computer
(D) Communication


Deficiency of which vitamin leads to 'Rickets' (softening of bones) ?
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin D


Which freedom fighter was popularly known as the 'Grand Old Man of India' ?
(A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(B) Chittaranjan Das
(C) Dadabhai Naoroji
(D) C.Rajagopalachari


Which Indian state has the longest coastline ?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Andhra Pradesh


Naxalbari village, the birth place of Naxalite Movement, is located in which state ?
(A) Bihar
(B) Jharkhand
(C) West Bengal
(D) Orissa


'Roopavahini' is the National Television Network of which Asian country ?
(A) Nepal
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Bhutan
(D) Myanmar


On 17 Dec 1931, who founded the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Kolkata ?
(A) C.V.Raman
(B) Homi Bhabha
(C) P.C.Mahalanobis
(D) Vikram Sarabhai


Named after Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, famous Test cricket ground Gaddafi Stadium is located in which city ?
(A) Hyderabad (India)
(B) Dhaka (Bangladesh)
(C) Colombo (Sri Lanka)
(D) Lahore (Pakistan)


Which mythological weapon is depicted on the Param Vir Chakra medal ?
(A) Vajra
(B) Khatvanga
(C) Sudarshan Chakra
(D) Kaumodaki


Hydrogen and Carbon monoxide are the major constituents of which fuel gas ?
(A) Coal Gas
(B) Water Gas
(C) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
(D) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Answers :

Q1.    (B) Commercial
Q2.    (D) Vitamin D
Q3.    (C) Dadabhai Naoroji
Q4.    (A) Gujarat
Q5.    (C) West Bengal
Q6.    (B) Sri Lanka
Q7.    (C) P.C.Mahalanobis
Q8.    (D) Lahore (Pakistan)
Q9.    (A) Vajra
Q10.  (B) Water Gas
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Current Affairs for Competitive Exams, November 1st 2011

Who has been sworn in as Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister?
Nabam Tuki

Who has been reappointed as the Secretary General of 54-nation Commonwealth of Nations for 2nd consecutive term?
Kamalesh Sharma

What is the total sms limit per day raised by TRAI as on 1st November 2011?
200 smses per day

Name the MAN industries chairman who passed away recently.
JM Mansukhani

Who won the 38th women's National Premier chess championship?
Tania Sachdev

Which rank does world champion Vishwanathan Anand holds in the world chess rankings?
2nd place
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General knowledge of india - 11

>The largest cantilever bridge of India is Howrah Bridge

>The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is located in Darjeeling

>The headquarter of European Court of Justice (ECJ) are situated at Luxembourg

>The host of first Olympics in 1896 was Athens, Greece

>The headquarter of all the following international organization are based at Vienna, excepted United Nations Development Programme

>The member of SEATO (South-East Asia Treaty Organisation) are Australia, France, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, UK and USA

>The main crop of Meghalaya is rice

>The major minerals found in Uttar Pradesh are limestone and dolomite

>The headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are situated at Vienna

>The first recipient of Bharat Ratna award in 1954 was C. Rajagopalachari

>The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to Jones Salk

>The first NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) conference was held at Belgrade (Yugoslavia)

>The command from a superior officer or a judge to a subordinate right given to a person to act in the name of another, is Mandate

>The common terms used in shooting are bed, ballsege, marksmanship, plug

>The buoyancy depends on the mass of the liquid displaced

>The country's first indigenously built missile boat was INS Vibhuti

>The first launch of the missile 'Trishul' was made in September, 1995

>The corresponding Gregorian date of the saka month, Bhadra is August 23

>The branch of science that studies cells is called cytology

>The first foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna was Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

>The first General Elections in India took place in 1952

>The electron was first identified by J. J. Thompson

>The first attempt in printing was made in England by William Caxton

 >The dance performed by women to invoke rain in Bihar is Jata Jatin

>The department of Atomic Energy was established in 1956

>The exhaled air contains a mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen in which nitrogen has the highest percentage

>The credit of inventing the television goes to Baird

>The first man-made satellite, Sputnik I was launched by the former USSR in 1957

>The first rice straw power plant has been set up at Jalkheri, Punjab

>The first Afro-Asian Games were held in Hyderabad

>Study of earthquakes is known as seismology

>Penicillin was invented by A. Fleming

>Raja Rammohan Roy advocated widow remarriage and woman's education

>Raja Rammohan Roy was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj

>Small amounts of iodine are necessary in our diet to
A: compensate for underactive the thyroid gland

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General Knowledge of India

Q : Author of the book India wins Freedom is :
Ans : Abdul Kalam Azad
Q : Biological fixation of nitrogen occurs most commonly in :
Ans : Peas
Cities Populationwise
2-New Delhi
5-Mexico City
6-New York

>India-China Ki Common Boarder Ki Lambai Kitni He?
Ans.3500 Kms

>Du u know? Kis Shahr Ko Orange City Kahte Hai ?
Ans-NAGPUR (Maharashtra)

>Do u Know? World Ka Sabse Bada Mahasagr HE

>Du u Know? Pagal Kutte (Dog) K Kaatne se Kon sa Rog Ho Jaata H ?
>Du u Know? Insano Me 4 Type K Blood Group Hote He....
Ans:-A,B,AB & O.
Or 2 Type K Factor Hote He...
Ans:-Rh Positive &
Rh Negative.

World Histor, Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, General Science, Geography of India, Books and Authors, Awards and Honours, World : Miscellaneous, India : Miscellaneous, General Knowledge Quiz,Current GK, currentgk, General Knowledges, Current Affairs, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ,CURRENT AFFAIRS,GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, PERSONALITY,WHO'S WHO,INDIA GK,WORDS AND VOCABULARY,BUSINESS GK,SCIENCE GK, ENVIRONMENT GK, AMAZING FACTS,BANK PO AND CLERICAL EXAM QUESTIONS,INDIA'S ECONOMY,BRAIN TEASERS,INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,SPORTS GK,COMPETITIVE EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY,INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND 5 YEAR PLAN,GK FOR MBA ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, MAT,SNAP 2010,INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES, GROUP DISCUSSION, RAILWAY RECRUITMENTS, UPSC, IAS, FREE QUIZZES2011,Current GK, GK Quiz,india current gk,Latest GK, Parliament of India, General Knowledge Current,Current GK, current general knowledge, currentgk, General Knowledge Today ,Current Affairs, Latest GK,
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General Knowledge of India

In which of the following caves, 28 new caves have been discovered ?
(A) Ajanta caves
(B) Elephanta caves
(C) Ellora caves
Ans : (B)

Who was the Hindu king shown playing on the Veena, on ancient coins ?
(A) Shivaji
(B) Ashoka
(C) Samudragupta
(D) Vikramaditya
Ans : (C)

Jama Masjid in Delhi was built by?
(A) Shahjahan
(B) Humayun
(C) Jehangir
(D) Akbar
Ans : (A)

Which upheaval took place in Bengal immediately after 1957 Revolt?
(A)Santal Rebellion
(B)Indigo Disturbances
(C)Sanyasi Rebellion

Which institution was not founded by Mahatma Gandhi?
(A) Phoenix Ashram
(B) Sabarmati Ashram
(C) Sevagram Ashram
(D) Vishwa Bharati

Who was named as Mira Behn by Mahatma Gandhi ?
(A) Annie Besant
(B) Maria Montessouri
(C) Kamla Devi
(D) Madeline Slade
Ans : (D)

Who introduced Preventive Detention Bill in 1950 in Indian parliament?
(A)Baldev Singh
(B)Narahar Vishnu Gadgil
(C)Sardar Patel
Ans : (C)

In which of the following countries "Subhash Chandra Bose" organized the "
Tiger Legion"?

In which of the following Mahi River falls?
(A)Gulf of Kachchh
(B)Ranna of Kachchh
(C)Gulf of Khambat
(D)Little Rann of kachchha
Ans : (C)

Which of the following states is the largest producer of Banana in India?
Ans : (D)

Which was NOT a political party at the time of its foundation?
(A)Sikkim Democratic Front
(B)Mizo National Front
(C)Shiv Sena
Ans : (C)

Who introduced the system of Civil Services ?
(A) Lord Hardinge
(B) William Bentick
(C) Warren Hastings
(D) Lord Dalhousie
Ans : (B)

The famous bronze image of Nataraja is a fine example of ?
(A) Chola art
(B) Mauryan art
(C) Gandhara art
(D) Gupta art
Ans : (A)

Fresco paintings of Ajanta caves is the art of ?
(A) Rastrakutas
(B) Guptas
(C) Mauryas
(D) Kushans
Ans : (B)

Who among the following Mughal rulers banned music and dancing ?
(A) Aurangzeb
(B) Babar
(C) Humayun
(D) Jehangir
Ans : (A)

Who among the following are credited to have built the famous Ellora caves?
(A) Satavahanas
(B) Cheras
(C) Rashtrakutas
(D) Cholas

The caves and rock-cut temples at Ellora are of?
(A) Buddhist and Jain
(B) Hindu and Jain
(C) Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
(D) Buddhist

When did the Indian National Congress ask for the Dominion Status ?
(A) 1942
(B) 1947
(C) 1908
(D) 1929
Ans : (C)

World Histor, Indian History, Indian Economy, Indian Polity, General Science, Geography of India, Books and Authors, Awards and Honours, World : Miscellaneous, India : Miscellaneous, General Knowledge Quiz,Current GK, currentgk, General Knowledges, Current Affairs, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE QUIZ,CURRENT AFFAIRS,GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, PERSONALITY,WHO'S WHO,INDIA GK,WORDS AND VOCABULARY,BUSINESS GK,SCIENCE GK, ENVIRONMENT GK, AMAZING FACTS,BANK PO AND CLERICAL EXAM QUESTIONS,INDIA'S ECONOMY,BRAIN TEASERS,INDUSTRY NEWS-INDIA,SPORTS GK,COMPETITIVE EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY,INDIAN CONSTITUTION AND 5 YEAR PLAN,GK FOR MBA ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, MAT,SNAP 2010,INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES, GROUP DISCUSSION, RAILWAY RECRUITMENTS, UPSC, IAS, FREE QUIZZES2011,Current GK, GK Quiz,india current gk,Latest GK, Parliament of India, General Knowledge Current,Current GK, current general knowledge, currentgk, General Knowledge Today ,Current Affairs, Latest GK,
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Current gk of India

>20th Asian Athletics Champ. 2013 kahan hona prastavit h?
"New Delhi"

>Samudra k upar sabse lambe pul(48KM) ka nirman kis desh ne kiya h?
>Jodhpur Aurved University ka naam badal kar kiske naam par rakha gaya h?
"Srwapalli Radhakrishnan"

>Human Heart ka weight kitna hota hai- Approx 300 Gram
>Indian Diamond Institute kahan h- Surat
>Country of Temples-Nepal

>In 1975 Sikkim became a full fledged state of the Indian Union.
>The Gandhara school of Art was influenced most by the Greeks.

>"Nirbhay" is the Cruise Missile developed by India with 1000km Range.

>India has one of the world's highest rates of abortion
>India has the 3rd largest military force in the world

>Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with surface temperature above 450 C.
>Sound travels 4 times faster in water than in air

>Solar Energy Projects me Raj ko India me 1st rank
>Raj me Single Window Act 1-1-2011 se lagu

>Bardoli Kisaan Andolan ka netratwa kisne kiya?
"Sardar Patel"
>Delhi ke Sultan shashkon ne kis bhasa ko sarankshan diya?

*Baboo Dance-Manipur

>Ganga ko Bangladesh mein 'Padma' & W Bengal mein 'Hooghly' kahte hain.
Burma, India se kab alag hua?
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